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Procena potencijala remedijacije sedimenta primenom imobilizacionih agenasa / Assessment of potential remediation of metal contaminated sediment using imobilisation agents

<p>Predmet izučavanja ove disertacije je ispitivanje mogućnosti imobilizacije&nbsp;toksičnih metala u sedimentu primenom imobilizacione tehnike&nbsp;solidifikacije/stabilizacije portland cementom, kalcijum-oksidom, prirodnim zeolitom,&nbsp;letećim pepelom, kaolinitom, montmorilonitom, i različitim sme&scaron;ama ovih agenasa&nbsp;kao i određivanje njihove efikasnosti u zavisnosti od brojnih faktora. Efikasnost&nbsp;imobilizacionih postupaka praćena je kori&scaron;ćenjem tzv. testova izluživanja, odnosno&nbsp;određivanjem koncentracije metala koji su u toku određenog vremena iz imobilisane&nbsp;faze pre&scaron;li u mobilnu fazu gde se smatraju potencijalno opasnim i biodostupnim.&nbsp;Krajnji cilj svakog testa izluživanja je mogućnost procene adekvatnosti primene&nbsp;određene imobilizacione, odnosno remedijacione tehnike. Efikasnost imobilizacionih&nbsp;postupaka zavisi i od određenih osobina: pH rastvora, dodatka imobilizacionog agensa&nbsp;&scaron;to je istraživanjem ispitano. Na osnovu ovog testa, odnosno &nbsp; odnosa kumulativne&nbsp;frakcije metala koja je oslobođena iz imobilizacione sme&scaron;e u mobilnu fazu i vremena&nbsp;određen je tip mehanizma koji omogućava transport metala &nbsp;(spiranje, difuzija,&nbsp;rastvaranje). Takođe su određeni i i parametri (koeficijenti difuzije, indeksi&nbsp;izlužljivosti) koji&nbsp; će poslužiti za ocenu efikasnosti prethodno primenjenih&nbsp;imobilizacionih tehnika. Primenjeni su i modifikovani testovi izluživanja sa ciljem &scaron;to&nbsp;bolje simulacije realnih uslova. U modifikovanim testovima izluživanja kori&scaron;ćen je&nbsp;rastvor sa pH 3,25 da bi se simulirali uslovi koji opona&scaron;aju kisele ki&scaron;e, odnosno uslovi&nbsp;u realnom sistemu. Takođe je kor&scaron;ćen i rastvor huminskih materija sa ciljem&nbsp;simulacije uslova velikog organskog opterećenja do kojeg bi moglo doći u slučaju&nbsp;akcidentnih situacija (na primer poplava) i generalno uslova koji se stvaraju u &nbsp;prirodi&nbsp;pri raspadanju organskog materijala (li&scaron;će, trava, itd.). Rezultati dobijeni simulacijom&nbsp;ovih uslova će dalje omogućiti modelovanje pona&scaron;anja metala u smislu dugoročnog&nbsp;&quot;izluživanja&quot; iz tretiranog sedimenta kao i procenu najefikasnijih agenasa &nbsp; za&nbsp;imobilizaciju različitih metala u sedimentu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključeno&nbsp;je da su optimalni agensi za imobilizaciju metala u sedimentu sme&scaron;a cementa i kreča&nbsp;(5% cementa i 10% kreča), sme&scaron;a montmorilonita i kreča (30% montmorilonita i 10%&nbsp;kreča), leteći pepeo (30%) i zeolit (30%). U ovim sme&scaron;ama dominantan mehanizam&nbsp;izluživanja je difuzija, a ove sme&scaron;e se mogu smatrati inertnim otpadom po svim&nbsp;ispitivanim kriterijumima. Ovi rezultati se mogu upotrebiti za projektovanje i&nbsp;izgradnju pilot postrojenja na kome bi se ispitala efikasnost ovih agenasa za&nbsp;remedijaciju sedimenta u realnim uslovima. Dobijeni podaci su neprocenjivi sa&nbsp;aspekta ekonomski i ekolo&scaron;ki prihvatljivog upravljanja sedimentom.</p> / <p>This work is concerned with exploring the possibilities of immobilization of toxic&nbsp;metals in sediments using solidification/stabilization as imobilization technique and&nbsp;using Portland cement, calcium oxide, natural zeolite, flying ash, kaolinite, montmorilonite, and various mixtures of these agents and determine their&nbsp;effectiveness depending on many factors. Performance of imobilization procedures&nbsp;was followed by the use of so-called leaching tests and determination of the metals&nbsp;concentration that are within a specified interval of time leached from the immobile phase and as such can be considered potentially hazardous and bioavailable. The ultimate goal of every leaching test is to assess the adequacy of the possibility of applying certain imobilization or remediation technique. Performance of imobilizaction procedures depends on certain characteristics: pH of solution, additon of imobilization agent, etc. Based on this test, ie relation between the cumulative fraction of metal leached from imobilization mixture and time, the type of leaching mechanism that allows the transport of metals (wash-off, diffusion, dissolution) was determined. Other parameters which will serve for evaluating the efficiency of the previously applied imobilization techniques (diffusion coefficients, leaching indices) were also determined. Modified leaching tests were applied with the aim of better simulation of real conditions on the field. In the modified leaching tests the solution with pH 3.25 was used to simulate conditions that mimic acid rain and conditions in the real system. The humic acid solution was also used with the aim to simulate high organic loads which could occur in the case accident situation (eg floods) and the general conditions that are created in naturewhen decaying organic material (leaves, grass, etc.). The results obtained by simulating these conditions will enable the modeling of behavior of metals in terms of long-term leaching period from the treated sediment and assess the most effective agents for the immobilization of various metals in the sediments. Based on these results, it was concluded that the optimal agents for immobilization of metals in the sediment mixture of cement and lime (5% cement and 10% lime), a mixture montmorilonite and&nbsp; lime (30% montmorilonite and 10% lime), fly ash (30%) and zeolite (30%). In these mixtures dominant leaching mechanism is diffusion, and these mixtures can be considered as inert waste by all tested criteria. These results can be used to design and builda pilot plant in which order to evaluate the effectiveness of these agents for remediation of sediment in real &nbsp;terms. The obtained data are invaluable from the aspect of economic and ecologically acceptable management of sediment.</p>
Date28 June 2010
CreatorsDalmacija Milena
ContributorsRončević Srđan, Karlović Elvira, Klašnja Mile, Prica Miljana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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