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Проза Богобоја Атанацковића / Proza Bogoboja Atanackovića / Bogoboj Atanacković Prose Works

<p>U tezi se analizira mesto i uloga Bogoboja Atanackovića (1826&ndash;1858) u istoriji srpske književnosti. Na osnovu književne recepcije njegovog rada ustanovljeno je da spada u pisce koji su prvo bili preterano hvaljeni, a potom potpuno omalovažavani. Atanacković je imao za cilj da obrazuje i zabavi svoje čitaoce, a stavovi koje je zastupao u svojoj poetici pokazuju da je poznavao savremena mu pedago&scaron;ka stremljenja. Spada u pisce koji su pisali za ženski deo publike i za omladinu. Na Atanackovića su uticali srpski pisci prethodnih epoha i njegovi savremenici, prvenstveno Branko Radičević, potom savremeni mu mađarski, nemački, ruski i francuski pisci, kao i usmena narodna i građanska lirika. U svoja dela unosio je opise događaja iz revolucije 1848&ndash;1849. godine. Njegov doprinos razvoju srpske književnosti ogleda se u napu&scaron;tanju vojvođanskog dijalekta u skladu sa reformom srpskog jezika Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića, kombinovanju sentimentalno-romantičarskih stilskih postupaka sa prvim elementima realizma u srpskoj prozi, kao i okretanju temama iz savremenog života i uno&scaron;enju socijalnih pitanja u književnost, dok je u putopisima koristio meditativno-reporterski stil i epistolarnu formu.</p> / <p> The position and the role of Bogoboj Atanacković (1826&ndash;<br /> 1858) in the Serbian literary history is analysed in the<br /> thesis. On the ground of the literary reception of his work<br /> it has been found out that he belongs to the group of<br /> writers who were at the beginning praised too much, and<br /> later on completely disdained. Atanacković aimed to<br /> educate and entertain his readers, and the attitudes he<br /> supports in his poetics shows that he was familiar with the<br /> contemporary pedagogical teachings. He was writing for<br /> the female part of the audience and for the youth.<br /> Atanacković was influenced by the Serbian writers of the<br /> previous epochs along with his contemporaries, first of all<br /> Branko Radicević, also the contemporary Hungarian,<br /> German, Russian and French writers, as well as the oral<br /> folk and urban lyrics. In his works he described the events<br /> from the 1848&ndash;1849 revolution. His contribution to the<br /> development of the Serbian literature is seen in<br /> abandoning the Vojvodina dialect in accordance with the<br /> Vuk Stefanović Karadžić&rsquo;s reform of the Serbian<br /> language, combining of the sentimental and romantic<br /> style with the first elements of realism in the Serbian<br /> prose, also in turning to the themes from the<br /> contemporary life and including the social aspects into the<br /> literature, while in the prose accounts of his travels he<br /> used meditative-reporter style and the epistle form.</p>
Date09 July 2010
CreatorsBrković Mirjana
ContributorsKleut Marija, Damjanov Sava, Ivanić Dušan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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