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Unapređenje efikasnosti proizvodnih procesa razvojem proširenog modela toka vrednosti / Improving manufacturing efficiency by developing expanded value stream model

<p>U okviru disertacije se ispituje uticaj akumulacije troškova u vremenu na izbor odgovarajućih mera za unapređenje i povećanje efikasnosti proizvodnih procesa. Ovaj uticaj je stavljen u kontekst lin proizvodnje i procesa mapiranja toka vrednosti, ali je ispitivan i uticaj izbora pravila raspoređivanja radnih naloga, odnosno terminskog planiranja na vremensko-troškovno ulaganje. Kao rezultat istraživanja i originalan naučni doprinos ove disertacije predloženi su koeficijenti ulaganja i efikasnosti mera unapređenja koji se koriste, na prvom mestu za izbor odgovarajuće mere unapređenja, a zatim i za definisanje prioriteta sprovođenja mera.</p> / <p>This dissertation examines the impact of the cost accumulation over the time on the selection of appropriate measures to improve and increase the efficiency of production processes. This effect has been put into the context of lean production and value stream mapping, but there is also examines the impact of job shop schenduling on cost-time investment. As a result of research and original scientific contribution of this thesis two coefficients are proposed: coefficient of investment and coefficient of measure efficiency that can be used in the first place for the selection of appropriate measure for the improvement, and then to define the priorities for implementing the improvement measures.</p>
Date24 October 2014
CreatorsGračanin Danijela
ContributorsBuhmajster Boruh, Ćosić Ilija, Tešić Zdravko, Maksimović Rado, Nikolić Vlastimir, Lalić Bojan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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