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Istraživanje savremenih tehnologija za kontinualno livenje bronze / Exploration of modern technology for continuous casting bronze

<p>Kontinualno livenje se razlikuje od drugih procese očvršćavanja po svom<br />prirodnom stabilnom stanju, u odnosu na spoljnog posmatrača u<br />laboratorijskim referentnim uslovima. Rastopljeni metal očvršćuje prema<br />zidovima kalupa, dok se istovremeno povlači sa dna kalupa brzinom koja<br />održava čvrsto/tečno na konstantnom položaju tokom vremena. Proces<br />funkcioniše najbolje kada svi njegovi aspekti rade u ovakvom stabilnom<br />stanju. Vertikalne mašine se koriste za kontinuirani proces livenja. Ovaj rad<br />istražuje uticaj brzina protoka liva u kontinuiranom procesu livenja . U ovom<br />istraživanju , su prikazani rezultati kontinuiranog livenja bronze. Na osnovu<br />raspodele temperature na površini uzorka, tokom ispitivanja zatezne<br />čvrstoće, vrši se detekcija pukotina. Ova ispitivanja, koristeći metode<br />mehanike loma, su primenjena zbog sigurnosti procene metalnih konstrukcija.<br />Numerička simulacija distribucije napona, je takođe predstavljena. Rezultati<br />su pokazali, da je termografija pogodan metod za praćenje i predviđanje<br />prslina i njihovog rasta, kao i za određivanje kritičkog napona u toku<br />deformacija. Na kraju ovih istraživanja, može se zaključiti, da je ovaj rad<br />doprineo razvoju i usavršavanju tehnologije za vertikalno livenje na dole u<br />značajnoj meri, kako u naučnoj tako i u komercijalnoj sferi.</p> / <p>Continuous casting is distinguished from other solidification processes by its steady<br />state nature, relative to an outside observer in laboratory frame of reference. The<br />molten metal solidifies against the mold walls, while it is simultaneously withdrawn from<br />the bottom of the mold at rate which maintains the solid/liquid interface at a constant<br />position in time. The process works best when all of its aspects operate in this steadystate<br />manner. Vertical machines are used for continuous casting process. This work<br />investigates the effect of mold flow velocities in continuous casting process. In this<br />research, are the results of continuous casting study of bronze. Based on the<br />distribution of temperature on the surface of the sample, during the tensile test, crack<br />tip are determined. The tests, using the methods of fracture mechanics, were applied<br />due to the safety assessment of metal structures. The numerical simulation of stress<br />distributions, on the same model under the same condition, is presented, too. The<br />results have showed, that thermography is a suitable method for monitoring and<br />prediction of crack initiation and growth, as well as, critical stress in deformations. At the<br />end of these studies, we can conclude that this work has contributed to the<br />development and improvement of technologies for vertical casting to down to a<br />considerable extent, both in science and in the commercial sphere.</p>
Date05 February 2015
CreatorsArsenović Milan
ContributorsŠkorić Branko, Kakaš Damir, Stojadinović Slobodan, Gerić Katarina, Sedmak Aleksandar
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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