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Pedagoške implikacije razvijanja socijalne kompetentnosti dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja / Pedagogical implications of social competencydevelopment of children and young people withoutparental care

<p>Cilj rada je da se utvrde potrebe dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja za<br />primenom modela programa učenja socijalnih ve&scaron;tina u funkciji razvijanja njihove socijalne<br />kompetentnosti i boljeg socijalnog funkcionisanja. Ovako definisan op&scaron;ti cilj<br />operacionalizovan je kroz određene teorijske i empirijske celine rada.<br />U prvom poglavlju teorijskog dela izložen je koncept socijalne kompetentnosti kroz<br />opis razvoja ovog koncepta i prikaz integrativnog modela socijalne kompetentnosti koji<br />pretpostavlja sagledavanje socijalne kompetentnosti na vi&scaron;e nivoa. Rukovođeni ovim<br />modelom, detaljnije smo prikazali determinante i korelate socijalne kompetentnosti koji se<br />odnose, sa jedne strane, na različite pokazatelje socijalnog funkcionisanja, a sa druge, na<br />socijalne ve&scaron;tine. Po&scaron;to je model programa razvijanja socijalnih ve&scaron;tina potrebno prilagoditi<br />ciljnoj grupi korisnika, ali i kontekstu obuke, posebna teorijska celina odnosila se na bliži opis<br />i definisanje pojma deca i mladi bez roditeljskog staranja. Polazeći od ekolo&scaron;kog pristupa, u<br />ovom poglavlju prikazana su teorijska i empirijska saznanja o uzrocima i faktorima<br />porodičnih odnosa koji utiču na razvoj i socijalno funkcionisanje dece i mladih, kao i oblici<br />socijalne za&scaron;tite dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja. U poslednjem teorijskom poglavlju,<br />opisane su karakteristike institucionalne za&scaron;tite, odnosno kontekst u kojem žive i dalje se<br />razvijaju deca i mladi bez roditeljskog staranja. Dat je prikaz dosada&scaron;njih istraživanja o<br />socijalnim odnosima i funkcionisanju dece i mladih u institucijama. Na ovaj način, kroz tri<br />teorijska poglavlja, polazaći od integrativnog modela socijalne kompetentnosti sagledani su<br />različiti pokazatelji socijalne kompetentnosti, njihove determinante i korelati, te diskutovani<br />protektivni i rizični faktori razvijanja socijalne kompetentnosti dece i mladih bez roditeljskog<br />staranja u institucionalnom kontekstu.<br />U empirijskom delu rada prvo je sagledana socijalna kompetentnost dece i mladih bez<br />roditeljskog staranja preko pokazatelja njihovog socijalnog funkcionisanja, a zatim sa aspekta<br />razvijenosti socijalnih ve&scaron;tina. Na oba nivoa analize, posebno su sagledane razlike u odnosu<br />na intelektualni i porodični status dece. Za procenu različitih pokazatelja socijalnog<br />funkcionisanja dece i mladih kori&scaron;ćene su: Skala oblika problematičnog pona&scaron;anja (Gresham,<br />Elliott,1990), Skala snage i te&scaron;koće (Goodman, 1997) i Upitnik načina re&scaron;avanja konflikata<br />(Rahim, 1983a). Za ispitivanje razvijenosti socijalnih ve&scaron;tina dece i mladih primenjene su Ček<br />lista socijalnih ve&scaron;tina (Goldstein et al., 1998) i Skala socijalnih ve&scaron;tina (Gresham &amp;<br />Elliott,1990). Ukupan uzorak činilo je 416 dece i mladih uzrasta od 12 do 18 godina, od toga<br />v<br />210 bez roditeljskog staranja i 206 sa roditeljskim staranjem. Poduzorci u komparativnoj<br />grupi dece i mladih sa roditeljskim staranjem bili su ujednačeni sa poduzorcima dece i mladih<br />bez roditeljskog staranja u odnosu na intelektualni status, pol, uzrast, sredinu i &scaron;kolski uspeh.<br />Rezultati prve faze istraživanja su pokazali da deca i mladi bez roditeljskog staranja<br />imaju slabije razvijene socijalne ve&scaron;tine i lo&scaron;ije socijalno funkcioni&scaron;u od dece i mladih sa<br />roditeljskim staranjem. Potvrđeno je da roditeljsko staranje ima značajniji uticaj na socijalnu<br />kompetentnost dece i mladih nego intelektualni status. Druga faza istraživanja se odnosila na<br />utvrđivanje povezanosti pokazatelja socijalnog funkcionisanja i razvijenosti ispitivanih<br />socijalnih ve&scaron;tina u cilju koncipiranja modela programa razvijanja socijalne kompetentnosti<br />dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja. Pored toga, ispitana je i povezanost institucionalnih<br />varijabli, kao i karakteristike dece i mladih sa pokazateljima njihove socijalne kompetentnosti.<br />Nalazi o visokoj povezanosti socijalnih ve&scaron;tina sa pokazateljima socijalnog funkcionisanja,<br />kao i visoka povezanost određenih varijabli institucionalne za&scaron;tite i karakteristika dece i<br />mladih bez roditeljskog staranja sa njihovim socijalnim kompetencijama, potvdili su teorijski<br />koncept iz područja socijalne kompetentnosti.<br />U delu pedago&scaron;kih implikacija dat je model programa učenja socijalnih ve&scaron;tina koje<br />mogu doprineti razvijanju socijalne kompetentnosti i efikasnijem socijalnom funkcionisanju<br />dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja, kao i preporuke vezane za institucionalni kontekst<br />obuke. Takođe, ponuđeni model programa pruža mogućnost daljih istraživanja u ovoj oblasti<br />vezanih za evaluaciju efekata ovako koncipiranog programa i njegove realizacije u uslovima<br />institucionalne za&scaron;tite, kao i pitanja same kompetentnosti i edukacije kadra za primenu<br />programa.</p> / <p>The aim of the work is finding out the needs of children and young people<br />without parental care and the implication of a modular programme for learning social skills<br />with the function of development of their social competency and better social functioning.<br />Defined in this way, the general aim has become operative through certain theoretical and<br />empirical parts of the work.<br />The first chapter of the theoretical part deals with the concept of social competency<br />through the description of development of this concept and the view of Integrative model of<br />social competency which includes the insight of social competency in several levels. Guided<br />by this model, we presented the determinants and the correlates of social competency relating<br />to different signposts of social functioning on one side, and social skills on the other. Since<br />the model of development programme of social skills needs to be adjusted to the target group<br />of users, and also to the context of the training, a specific theoretical part related to the closer<br />description and definition of the term children and young people without parental care.<br />Starting from the ecological point ,this chapter shows the theoretical and empirical knowledge<br />of the causes and the factors of family relations which have impact on developement and<br />social functioning of children and young people without parental care. The last theoretical<br />chapter deals with the institutional protection, that is the context where children and young<br />people without parental care continue to live and develop .There has been given a review of<br />the recent research on social relations and functioning of children and young people in<br />institutions. In this way, through the three theoretical chapters, starting from the Integrative<br />model of social competency, different indicators of social competency have been considered,<br />their determinants and correlates, and there have been discussed the protective and risky<br />factors of social competency development with children and young people without parental<br />care in the institutional context.<br />In the empirical part of the work first social competency of children and young people<br />without parental care has been reviewed through the indicators of their social functioning and<br />then from the aspect of their social skills. Both levels of the analyses consider the differences<br />relating the intellectual and family status of children. For the evaluation of different indicators<br />of social functioning of children and young people we used: Scale of forms of problematic<br />behaviour (Gresham, Elliott,1990, Scale of strength and difficulty, (Goodman, 1997) and the<br />Questionnaire for ways of solving problems (Rahim, 1983). For the research of social skills of<br />vii<br />children and young people we have applied Check list of social skills (Goldstein &amp; Glick<br />1987) and Scale of social skills (Gresham &amp; Elliott,1990). The total sample consisted of 416<br />children and young people of the age 12 to 18 years, out of which 210 without parental care<br />and 206 with parental care. The subsamples in the comparative group of children and young<br />people with parental care were identical to the subsamples of children and young people<br />without parental care, considering the intellectual status, sex, age and school achievement.<br />The results of the first phase of research showed that children and young people<br />without parental care have less developed social skills and weaker social functioning than<br />children and young people with parental care. It has been confirmed that parental care has a<br />more significant impact on social competency of children and young people than intellectual<br />status. The second phase of research related to stating the connections between the indicators<br />of social functioning and development of the studied social skills with the aim of making a<br />concept for a model programme of social competency development of children and young<br />people without parental care. It has also been studied the connection among institutional<br />variables, as well as the characteristics of children and young people with indicators of their<br />social competency. The evidences of strong connections of social skills with indicators of<br />social functioning, as well as strong connection of certain variables of institutional care and<br />characteristics of children and young people without parental care with their social<br />competency, have confirmed the theoretical concept from the area of social competency.<br />In the part dealing with the pedagogical implications there has been given a model of a<br />programme for learning social skills which can contribute to the development of social<br />competency and a more efficient social functioning of children and young people without<br />parental care, as well as the references connected to the institutional context of the training.<br />The presented model of the programme also offers a possibility of further research in this<br />area, connected to the evaluation of effects of a programme concepted in such a way and its<br />realisation in the conditions of institutional protection, as well as the issues of the very<br />competency and education of people for implementing the programme.</p>
Date18 December 2015
CreatorsJelić Marija
ContributorsGrandić Radovan, Oljača Milka, Knežević-Florić Olivera
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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