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Neprekidnost sesije IP servisa kod heterogenih mobilnih mreža primenom softverski definisanih mreža / IP Session continuity in heterogeneous mobile networks using Software DefinedNetworking

<p>Ova disertacija se bavi istraživanjem problema kontinuiteta IP<br />mrežnih sesija u oblasti komunikscija u mobilnim računarskim mrežama.<br />Cilj istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je da se definiše<br />rešenje problema mobilnosti primenjivo na heterogene bežične mreže<br />primenom metode softverski definisanog umrežavanja. U okviru<br />istraživanja prikazana je i praktična implementacija predloženog<br />rešenja. Tokom istraživanja su dobijeni rezultati koji ukazuju na potrebu<br />integracije postojećih tradicionalnih bežičnih mreža sa softverski<br />definisanim mrežama. Osnovu predloženog rešenja predstavlja<br />inkrementslan pristup u pogledu uvođenja novih SDN funkcionslnosti u<br />bežične IP mreže. Kroz implementaciju minimalnog seta SDN<br />funkcionalnosti gradi se tzv. hibridni model SDN mreže. Glavni<br />doprinos ovog istraživanja se ogleda u definisanju postupka koji će<br />omogućiti da se prevaziđe problem mobilnosti u aktuelnom konceptu<br />heterogenih bežičnih računarskih mreža. Ovakav model rešenja, pruža<br />značajan doprinos i sa aspekta ulaganja u promenu infrastrukture u<br />bežičnim mrežama. Implementacijom hibridnog modela, redukuje se<br />potreba za potpunim, ali i značajnim, uvođenjem virtuelne<br />infrastrukture bazirane na fleksibilnim softverski definisanim<br />mrežama.</p> / <p>This dissertation investigates the problem of IP networking communication<br />sessions continuity in mobile computer networks. The aim of the research within<br />this doctoral dissertation is to define a solution to the mobility problem<br />applicable to heterogeneous wireless networks using the software-defined<br />networking method. The research also demonstrates the practical<br />implementation of the proposed solution. During the research were obtained<br />results that indicate the need for integration of software-defined networks into<br />existing traditional wireless networks. The basis of the proposed solution is an<br />incremental approach in terms of introducing new SDN functionality into<br />wireless IP networks. Through the implementation of the minimal set of SDN<br />functionality, the so-called hybrid model of the SDN network is being built. The<br />main contribution of this research is reflected in the definition of a process that<br />will allow to overcome the problem of mobility in the current concept of<br />heterogeneous wireless computing networks. This solution model, also provides<br />a significant contribution from the aspect of investing in the change of<br />infrastructure in wireless networks. Implementation of the hybrid model reduces<br />the need for a complete replacement with a virtual infrastructure based on<br />flexible software-defined networks.</p>
Date28 January 2019
CreatorsBojović Petar
ContributorsBašičević Ilija, Teslić Nikola, Tomašević Milo, Popović Miroslav, Šenk Vojin
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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