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The narrative account of personal experience in Northern Sotho

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a narration of personal experiences of the Northern Sotho people and their
way of doing their activities. The Northern Sotho people and their ways of doing things
have been characterized by a proliferation of different ways of living governance. This
living governance is by people who are a distance from the Northern Sotho way of living
that has been influenced by day to day changes of technology and the style of living,
whereby people can do anything to can fit in the current lifestyle.
The problem experienced in relation to accounts is how accounts impact on us and visa
versa. The Northern Sotho narration dates back from the pre-colonial, colonial and
apartheid era. These linear stages of governance have had an influence in the
transformation of the Northern Sotho. This transformation has seen a delusion of the
original Northern Sotho discourses.
A mixture of different cultures in the process of transformation has also characterized this,
where the Northern Sotho people have adopted other tribes’ norms and values; in the
process losing their own original identity. Other tribes have also lost their original ways of
doing things by absorbing Northern Sotho norms and values.
The findings of research will determine how difficult it is to transform original cultures to the
most dominant culture of today, which is more westernized. People will analyze the
findings influential in doing self-introspection, which will assist in determining oneself.
The recommendation that could be given would be that one need to look back at the
importance of cultural values from where he or she comes and to make it fit into today’s
life as this will prevent uncertainties and assist in building the current and next generation’s
future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: gemeenskap en hul manier om met hul aktiwiteite te handel. Die Noord-Sotho
gemeenskap en hul manier om dinge te handel word gekenmerk deur ‘n vinnige toename
in die diverse invloede deur mense wat verskillende lewenswyse as hul eie het. Hierdie
lewenwyse word gekenmerk deur die vinnige ontwikkelende tegnologie en lewenstyl
waarvolgens mense enigiets kan doen om in die hedendaagse maniere om dinge te doen
in te pas.
Ondervindinge in verhouding met die beskrywings is hoe die beskrywings ons beinvloed
en andersom. Die Noord Sotho vertelling is gedateer vanaf die prekoloniale-, koloniale-,
apartheid- en pos-apartheid eras. Hierdie liniere fases van magsuitoefening het ‘n invloed
gehad in die transformasie van die Noord Sotho. Hierdie transformasie het gesien tot die
verkeerde ideé van die oorspronklike kommunikasies van Noord-Sotho lewenswyse.
‘n Mengsel van verskillende kulture in die proses van transformasie het ook hierdeur
kenmerk, waar die Noord Sotho bevolking ander stamme se norme en waardes
aangeneem het en sodoende hul oorspronklike identiteit verloor het. Ander stamme het
ook hul oorspronklike manier om hul dinge te doen verloor deur dat hulle norme en
waarders van die Noord –Sotho geabsobeer het.
Die navorsings bevindinge sal bepaal hoe moeilik dit is om suiwer kulture te omvorm tot
die mees dominante hedendaagse kultuur wat meer verwesters is. Mense sal die
bevindinge analiseer wat op instrospeksie impakteer en selfbeeld bepaal.
Die aanbeiling is dat die historiese belangrikheid van die kulturele waardes in ag geneem
moet word as die basis waar ons vandaan kom en dat ons dit in werking moet stel in die
hedendaagse lewe. Dit sal onsekerhede voorkom en ook help om die toekoms van die
huidige en toekomstige generasies te bou. / KAKARETŠO: Ke kanego ka ga bophelo bja batho ba Sesotho sa Leboa le mediro ya bona. Mekgwa le
mediro yeo e akaretšago bophelo ka bophara bja setšo sa Leboa e hweditšwe ke mebušo
yeo e bušago. Mebušo yeo le yona e hweditšwe ke diphetogo tša tšatši ka tšatši tša
setekiniki le bophelo bja selehono moo batho ba lekanago ka maatla go ka ikhwetša ba
kgona go phela maemong a selehono.
Ditlhalošo tša setšo sa Leboa di balelwa go tloga mehleng ya pele ga koloni, ka nako ya
kgatelelo le ka morago ga kgatelelo. Nakong tše ka moka tša go fapafapana, mebušo ya
gona e bile le khuetšo e kgolo setšong sa leboa.
Go lekana ga ditšo tša go fapafapana diphetogong setšong le gona go amile dipheto
setšong sa batho ba Leboa gomme ba thoma go loba boitšhupo bja botšo. Merafe e
mengwe le yona e lahlegetšwe ke botšo ka go latela ditlwaedi le mekgwa ya Sesotho sa
Go ya ka dinyakišišo, go nale sešupo sa gore ga go bonolo go ka fetoga setšong sa
bogologolo go fetogela go setšo sa sebjale seo se tibilego ka mekgwa ya sekgowa. Batho
ba tla lebeledišiša ditšhupetšo tšeo di nago le khuetšo ya go inyaka le go inyakišiša, e lego
seo se tla thušago motho gore a te tsebe.
Kakanyo yeo e ka tlišago phetogo ke ge go ka lebelelwa morago botsong bja setšo. Go
lebelelwe ka moo se bego se hlomphiwa ka gona e bile se latelelwa gomme go be le
tlhotleletšo ya gore se šomišwe bophelong bja selehono. Tlhotleletšo ye e ka thibela
dipelaelo le go thuša go aga bokamoso bja meloko ya lehono le yeo e sa tlago.
Date03 1900
CreatorsTalane, Refiloe Mabolatse
ContributorsDlali, M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatxi, 105 leaves
RightsStellenbosch University

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