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Istraživanje uticaja promene vrste materijala na frekvencijski spektar muzičkih instrumenata / Research of material changing influence on frequency spectrum of musical instruments

<p>Disertacija obuhvata opis osnovnih pojmova i metoda merenja iz oblasti muzičke akustike, detaljnije razrađeni teorijski model pona&scaron;anja zvučnog talasa u cevi frule i detaljnu analizu frekvencijskog spektra tonova odsviranih na jednodelnim i dvodelnim frulama, na glavi dvodelnih frula i tonova dobijenih upotrebom različitih vrsta prigu&scaron;ivača.</p> / <p>The dissertation presents a description of the Musical acoustics basic facts and<br />measuring methods , a profoundly developed theoretical model of behaviour of sound waves in sheperd&#39;s flute, and very detailed frequency spectrum analysis of musical tones played on simple Serbian flute, two-piece Serbian flute, tones played only on the had of the flute and musical tones played on the two-piece Serbian flute using different typesof mutes.</p>
Date07 October 2009
CreatorsKrstić Sonja
ContributorsSajfert Vjekoslav, Bjelica Momčilo, Ćosić Ilija, Lukić LJubomir, Škorić Branko
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty at Zrenjanin
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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