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Razvoj proširive softverske platforme za upravljanje kurikulumom u internacionalizovanom visokom obrazovanju / Extensible software platform for managing curriculum in internationalized higher education

<p>Cilj. Cilj disertacije je razvoj pro&scaron;irive softverske platforme za upravljanje kurikulumom u internacionalizovanom visokom obrazovanju koja doprinosi razvoju zajedničkog jezika u istraživanju kurikuluma, a da se pri tome ne ograniče lokalne zajednice prakse istraživanja kurikuluma pozicionirane u nacionalno-specifične obrazovne kontekste, odnosno da se pokaže da je moguće primeniti postojeće međunarodne standarda, pro&scaron;irene eventualnim dodatnim zahtevima, u visoko&scaron;kolskom sistemu Republike Srbije.<br />Metodologija. Kao osnova za modeliranje metapodataka kojima se opisuju kurikulumi u internacionalizovanom visokom obrazovanju kori&scaron;ćeni su međunarodni standardi MLO-AD i MLO ECTS IP/CC za predstavljanje obrazovnih prilika. Za predstavljanje metapodataka kori&scaron;ćene su OWL ontologije. Za razvoj sistema kori&scaron;ćena je iterativna metoda razvoja softvera, a implementacija je izvr&scaron;ena kori&scaron;ćenjem programskih jezika Java i Python, XML tehnologije, tehnologije veb servisa i tehnologije Semantičkog Veba. Verifikacija modela metapodataka i sistema za upravljanje kurikulumom je izvr&scaron;ena na realnom studijskom programu akreditovanom na na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu.<br />Rezultati. U ovoj disertaciji ostvareni su sledeći rezultati:<br />Predložen je model podataka za upravljanje kurikulumom u internacionalizovanom visoko&scaron;kolskom obrazovanju baziran na konceptu obrazovne prilike kao osnovne jedinice za upravljanje kurikulumom, uz oslonac na standardne modele metapodataka za predstavljanje obrazovnih prilika u Evropskoj oblasti visokog obrazovanja.<br />Predložena je ma&scaron;inski čitljiva reprezentacija modela putem sintakse dovoljno ekspresivne za implementaciju modela i sama implementacija modela u obliku OWL ontologije.<br />Predložena je formalna, ma&scaron;inski čitljiva reprezentacije obrazovnih ciljeva koja omogućuje proveru konzistentnosti kurikuluma.<br />Predložena je softverska arhitektura platforme čija je prednost mogućnost jednostavnog pro&scaron;irivanja novim servisima, uključujući i integraciju sa drugim sistemima.<br />Ograničenja istraživanja/implikacije. Osnovno ograničenje teorijskog okvira kojim se razvoj platforme pozicionira u internacionalizovano istraživanje kurikuluma je &scaron;to postojeća praksa upravljanja kurikulumom jo&scaron; uvek odstupa od proklamovanih smernica. Implikacija je ograničena mogućnost da korisnici u punoj meri koriste platformu. Ograničenja predloženog modela odnose se na potrebu njegovog pro&scaron;irivanja zarad zadovoljavanja specifičnih potreba krajnjih korisnika. Implikacija je potreba da se ulože dodatni napori za zadovoljavanje specifičnih potreba korisnika. Ograničenja u delu ma&scaron;inski čitljive reprezentacije su direktna posledica postojećih ograničenja tehnologija Semantičkog Veba u domenu semantičke ekspresivnosti i performansi. Implikacije su ograničena mogućnost kontekstualno zavisnog opserviranja kurikuluma i ograničena mogućnost praktičnog kori&scaron;ćenja reprezentacije modela zbog problema performansi aplikacija Semantičkog Veba.<br />Praktične implikacije. Krajnja namena ovog modela je unapređivanje semantičke interoperabilnosti u Areni Evropskog Visoko&scaron;kolskog obrazovanja putem tehničkog mapiranja informacija o kursevima i drugim obrazovnim prilikama na interoperabilnu specifikaciju obrazovnih prilika. Platforma ima sledeće moguće praktične primene:<br />Ogla&scaron;avanje kurseva.<br />Posredovano prijavljivanje (brokerski servis) za uče&scaron;će u obrazovnim prilikama,<br />Poređenje obrazovnih prilika (u odnosu na referentne repere i međusobno),<br />Evaluacija i kontrola kvaliteta akademskih obrazovnih prilika,i<br />Praćenje studentskog postignuća (Transcript of Records, ToR).<br />Originalnost/vrednost. Originalan doprinos nauci je sledeći.<br />Artikulisanje teorijskog okvira istraživanja kojim se razvoj platforme za upravljanje kurikulumom u internacionalizovanom visokom obrazovanju pozicionira u internacionalizovano istraživanje kurikuluma i koncept obrazovne prilike usvaja kao osnovna jedinica za upravljanje kurikulumom.<br />Predlog modela podataka za upravljanje kurikulumom u internacionalizovanom visoko&scaron;kolskom obrazovanju baziran na konceptu obrazovne prilike kao osnovne jedinice za upravljanje kurikulumom, uz oslonac na standardne modele metapodataka za predstavljanje obrazovnih prilika u Evropskoj oblasti visokog obrazovanja.<br />Predlog ma&scaron;inski čitljive reprezentacije modela putem sintakse dovoljno ekspresivne za implementaciju modela i sama implementacija modela u obliku OWL ontologije.<br />Predlog formalne, ma&scaron;inski čitljive reprezentacije obrazovnih ciljeva koja omogućuje proveru konzistentnosti kurikuluma.<br />Predlog softverske arhitekture platforme baziran na predloženom modelu i tehnologijama Semantičkog Veba.<br />Prototipska implementacija i njena primena na studiji slučaja realnog akreditovanog studijskog programa predstavljaju verifikaciju i potvrdu praktične vrednosti predloženog modela i softverske arhitekture platforme.</p> / <p>Purpose &ndash; The aim of the dissertation is the development of extensible software platform for managing internationalized curriculum in higher education. The platform contributes to the development of shared curriculum study language which does not limit the local educational practices. The solution proposed in this dissertation is in accordance with the national- specific educational context as well as existing international standards and is fully applicant to the higher education system of the Republic of Serbia .<br />Design/methodology/approach &ndash; The platform is based upon the international standards MLO -AD and MLO ECTS IP / CC that represent learning opportunities. The standards are implemented as OWL ontologies. The system was developed by using iterative software development methods , and the implementation is done by using Java and Python programming language , XML technologies, Web services and Semantic Web technologies. The verification of the metadata model and the system in whole is carried out on an accredited degree program in the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad.<br />Findings. In this dissertation, following results were achieved:<br />&bull; The data model for managing curriculum in internationalized higher education based upon the concept of learning opportunities and relying on the standardized metadata model for representing the learning opportunities in the European higher education area was proposed.<br />&bull; The machine readable representation of the model was adopted. The syntax is expressive enough for the implementation of the model. The model was implemented as a set OWL ontologies.<br />&bull; The formal, machine readable representation of educational objectives which allows formal curriculum evaluation and consistency check is proposed.<br />&bull; The extensible platform for managing curriculum in the internationalized higher education is proposed.<br />Research limitations / implications &ndash; The main limitation of the theoretical framework that is the basis of the platform is that existing educational practice often is not consistent with the contemporary findings of the curriculum theory. The implication of this fact is limited ability for users to make full use of the platform. Limitations of the proposed model are related to the need for its extensions that should satisfy the specific needs of the end users. The implication of this limit is the need to make additional efforts to meet the specific needs of the users. Limitations concerning the machine-readable representations of the model are a direct consequence of the limitations of existing Semantic Web technologies in the domain of semantic expressiveness and performance. The implications are limited possibility of contextually dependent observation of the curriculum and the limited possibility of practical use of the model representation due to the performance problem present in the Semantic Web applications.<br />The practical implications. The main purpose of this model is to improve semantic interoperability in the European higher education area through the mapping of the information on courses and other educational opportunities onto the interoperable specification of learning opportunities . The platform has the following practical applications:<br />&bull; Course advertising.<br />&bull; Mediated enrollment (brokerage services) to learning opportunities,<br />&bull; Comparison of learning opportunities (relative to the reference benchmarks and each other),<br />&bull; Evaluation and quality control of academic learning opportunities , and<br />&bull; Monitoring of student achievement (Transcript of Records, ToR) .<br />Originality/value &ndash;The scientific contribution of this dissertation are following:<br />&bull; Articulating the theoretical framework necessary for the development of the platform for curriculum management in internationalized higher education.<br />&bull; Development of the data model based upon the concept of the learning opportunities.<br />&bull; Proposing the machine-readable representation of the model through syntax expressive enough for the implementation of the model and the actual implementation of the model in the form of OWL ontologies.<br />&bull; Proposing a formal, machine-readable representation of educational objectives, which allows curriculum consistency check.<br />&bull; Proposing the software platform based on the proposed model and the Semantic Web technologies.<br />The proposed platform was verified by implementing a prototype and applying it to the case study of an accredited degree program held at the Faculty of Novi Sad.</p> / null
Date12 June 2014
CreatorsSegedinac Milan
ContributorsKonjović Zora, Surla Dušan, Milentijević Ivan, Kovačević Ilija, Radivojević Radoš, Milosavljević Branko
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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