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A History of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost

Duquesne Studies, Spiritan Series 1 -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Foreword -- (pg. xix) -- Bibliographical Symbols -- (pg. xxiii) -- PART ONE -- General History -- CHAPTER ONE—The Founder and His Work -- 1. Biographical Sketch of Father Poullart des Places -- (pg. 1) -- 2. The Foundation of the Seminary and Congregation of the Holy Ghost -- (pg. 9) -- 3. Purpose and Organization of Father des Places' Foundation -- (pg. 13) -- CHAPTER TWO -- From the Death of the Founder to the French Revolution, 1709-1802 -- 1. The Immediate Successors -- (pg. 19) -- 2. Continuing Relations with St. Louis de Montfort -- (pg. 19) -- 3. The Struggle for Legal Recognition -- (pg. 22) -- 4. Growth of the Society -- (pg. 24) -- 5. Renewed Struggle Against the Jansenists -- (pg. 25) -- 6. First Missions Entrusted to the Congregation -- (pg. 28) -- 7. The French Revolution -- (pg. 31) -- CHAPTER THREE—A Glance at the Missionary Labors of the Holy Ghost Fathers in the Eighteenth Century -- 1. Fields of Labor -- (pg. 34) -- 2. Peter Maillard, the Apostle of the Micmacs, and John Le Loutre, the Father of the Acadians -- (pg. 38) -- 3. Bishop Francis Pettier, 1726-1792, the Founder of the Szechwan Missions -- (pg. 45) -- CHAPTER FOUR -- From the Restoration to the Entrance of the Venerable Francis Libermann, 1802-1848 -- 1. The First Restoration -- (pg. 51) -- 2. New Suppression and Restoration -- (pg. 52) -- 3. Approval by the Holy See -- (pg. 53) -- 4. New Dangers and Trials -- (pg. 54) -- 5. Father Amable Fourdinier -- (pg. 56) -- 6. Attempted Incorporation of the Colonial Clergy into the Congregation -- (pg. 57) -- 7. The Reform of Father Leguay -- (pg. 61) -- 8. New Threat of Suppression -- (pg. 64) -- 9. Father Alexander Monnet -- (pg. 65) -- CHAPTER FIVE -- Francis Libermann and His Congregation of the Holy Heart of Mary -- 1. His Early Life -- (pg. 67) -- 2. The Foundation of the Congregation of the Holy Heart of Mary -- (pg. 68) -- 3. The Resumption of the African Missions -- (pg. 75) -- 4. The Australian Venture -- (pg. 93) -- CHAPTER SIX -- Father Libermann as Superior General of the Holy Ghost Fathers, 1848-1852 -- 1. The Entrance of Father Libermann and His Confreres into the Congregation of the Holy Ghost -- (pg. 97) -- 2. Reorganization -- (pg. 105) -- a. Internal Opposition -- (pg. 106) -- b. Conflict with the Archbishop of Paris -- (pg. 109) -- c. Reform of the Seminary -- (pg. 111) -- d. The Solution of the Religious Crisis in the Old Colonies -- (pg. 115) -- 3. Works in the Homeland -- (pg. 119) -- a. The Origin of Educational Institutions -- (pg. 120) -- b. The Origin of Social Works – (pg. 126) -- c. The Question of Personnel for the Non-Missionary Works -- (pg. 129) -- 4. Libermann's Death -- (pg. 133) -- 5. Profiles of Some of His Early Collaborators -- (pg. 135) -- a. Father James Laval, 1803-1864 -- (pg. 135) -- b. Father Frederick Le Vavasseur, 1811-1882 -- (pg. 141) -- c. Father Eugene Tisserant, 1814-1845 -- (pg. 147) -- d. Father Stanislaus Arragon, 1819-1855 -- (pg. 151) -- CHAPTER SEVEN—The Driving Force of the Congregation: Father Libermann's Spiritual and Apostolic Doctrine -- 1. Father Libermann's Spiritual Doctrine -- (pg. 157) -- 2. Libermann's Missionary Doctrine -- (pg. 162) -- a. Personal Holiness as the Basis of the Apostolate -- (pg. 163) -- b. Purpose of Missions -- (pg. 165) -- c. Means for Accomplishing This Purpose -- (pg. 168) -- d. Ecclesiastical and Religious Superiors -- (pg. 177) -- e. Relations with Civil Authorities -- (pg. 182) -- CHAPTER EIGHT -- The Generalate of Father Ignatius Schwindenhammer, 1852-1881 -- 1. Introduction -- (pg. 185) -- 2. New Foundations and Their Reasons -- (pg. 186) -- 3. The Two Guineas -- (pg. 191) -- a. The Conflict with Bishop Kobes -- (pg. 191) -- b. Welcome Aid -- (pg. 193) -- c. First Efforts South of the Equator -- (pg. 194) -- 4. The Opening Phase of the Evangelization of East Africa -- (pg. 196) -- 5. Educational Works -- (pg. 197) -- a. In Europe and the United States -- (pg. 197) -- b. In the Missions -- (pg. 201) -- 6. The Development of Social Works -- (pg. 202) -- 7. International Expansion -- (pg. 203) -- a. Foundations in Ireland -- (pg. 203) -- b. Houses in Germany and Expulsion -- (pg. 207) -- c. The Congregation Established in Portugal -- (pg. 208) -- d. First Beginnings in the United States – (pg. 209) -- 8. Internal Consolidation -- (pg. 214) -- 9. Political Dangers in France -- (pg. 216) -- CHAPTER NINE -- The Generalate of Father Ambrose Emonet, 1882-1895 -- 1. Introduction -- (pg. 218) -- 2. The Restoration of the German Province -- (pg. 219) -- 3. Africa -- (pg. 222) -- a. The Push into the Interior -- (pg. 222) -- b. Conflict with Cardinal Lavigerie -- (pg. 222) -- 4. Other Missions -- (pg. 225) -- a. The Withdrawal from Pondicherry -- (pg. 225) -- b. The Expulsion from French Guiana -- (pg. 226) -- c. The Departure from Saint Pierre and Miquelon -- (pg. 227) -- d. Work Among the Colored in the United States, -- (p. 228) -- 5. Shadows of Persecution in France -- (pg. 229) -- CHAPTER TEN -- The Generalate of Archbishop -- Alexander Le Roy, 1896-1926 -- 1. Introduction -- (pg. 232) -- 2. Reorganization in France. Religious Persecution -- (pg. 237) -- a. Reorganization -- (pg. 237) -- b. Danger of Suppression -- (pg. 238) -- c. Combes' Religious Persecution -- (pg.241) -- 3. The 1910 Revolution in Portugal -- (pg. 244) -- 4. An Internal Controversy : the "Fusion" -- (pg. 247) -- 5. The Start of New Provinces -- (pg. 251) -- a. Belgium -- (pg. 251) -- b. The Netherlands -- (pg. 255) -- c. England -- (pg. 257) d. Canada -- (pg. 259) -- e. Switzerland -- (pg. 261) -- f. Poland -- (pg. 262) -- 6. The First World War, 1914-1918 -- (pg. 263) -- 7. The Alissions -- (pg. 264) -- a. The Inauguration of Missions in the Interior of Brazil -- (pg. 264) -- b. The Congregation and the Old French Colonies -- (pg. 266) -- c. Progress in Africa -- (pg. 268) -- d. The Return to the Belgian Congo -- (pg. 269) -- e. Repercussions of the Portuguese Revolution in Angola – (pg. 273) -- f . The Return to the Cameroons -- (pg. 274) -- g. The Return to South Africa -- (pg. 276) -- h. A Conflict in Kenya -- (pg. 277) -- i. The Withdrawal from Spanish Guinea -- (pg. 279) -- 8. Revision of the Rules and Constitutions -- (pg. 280) -- 9. The Missionary Sisters of the Holy Ghost and the Missionary Sisters of Killeshandra -- (pg. 281) -- CHAPTER ELEVEN -- The Generalate of Archbishop Louis Le Hunsec, 1926-1950 -- 1. Introduction -- (pg. 283) -- 2. The Affair of the "Action Frangaise" -- (pg. 284) -- 3. The Expansion of Social Works: Father Daniel Brottier -- (pg. 288) -- 4. Nazi Persecution in Germany -- (pg. 292) -- 5. The Second World War. 1939-1945 -- (pg. 294) -- 6. Development of the Congregation and Its Missions -- (pg. 295) -- CHAPTER TWELVE—The Present Superior General: Father Francis Griffin -- 1. Election -- (pg. 299) -- 2. A Program -- (pg. 299) -- PART TWO -- The Holy Ghost Fathers Throughout the World -- CHAPTER THIRTEEN—Europe -- 1. France -- (pg. 304) -- a. First Period : 1852-1896 -- (pg. 304 -- b. Second Period : 1896-1920 -- (pg. 309) -- c. Third Period : 1920 to the Present -- (pg. 311) -- 1. Growth -- (pg. 311) -- 2. Second World War, 1939-1945 -- (pg. 311) -- 3. Post War Organization -- (pg. 312) -- 4. Works in the Homeland -- (pg. 313) -- 5. Missions -- (pg. 314) -- 2. Ireland -- (pg. 315) -- a. Colleges -- (pg. 315) -- b. Other Works -- (pg. 316) -- c. Houses of Formation -- (pg. 317) -- d. Missions -- (pg. 319) -- 3. Germany -- (pg. 320) -- a. The Second World War -- (pg. 320) -- b. Ruins Rebuilt -- (pg. 321) -- c. Works in the Homeland -- (pg. 322) -- d. Missions -- (pg. 323) -- 4. Portugal -- (pg. 323) -- 5. Belgium -- (pg. 325) -- 6. The Netherlands -- (pg. 328) -- a. The War Years -- (pg. 328) -- b. Post War Development -- (pg. 329) -- c. Works -- (pg. 330) -- 7. Great Britain -- (pg. 331) -- 8. Poland -- (pg. 333) -- 9. Switzerland -- (pg. 334) -- 10. Spain -- (pg. 336) -- 11. Italy -- (pg. 337) – CHAPTER FOURTEEN—North America -- 1. The United States of America -- (pg. 341) -- a. Houses of Formation -- (pg. 341) -- b. Works in the Homeland -- (pg. 342) -- 1. Educational Institutes -- (pg. 342) -- 2. Social Works -- (pg. 347) -- 3. Parishes and Missions -- (pg. 348) -- 4. Other Works -- (pg. 351) -- c. Missions -- (pg. 355) -- 2. Canada -- (pg. 356) -- a. French Canada -- (pg. 356) -- b. English Canada -- (pg. 357) -- 3. Saint Pierre and Miquelon -- (pg. 358) -- CHAPTER FIFTEEN—The West Indies -- 1. Haiti -- (pg. 361) -- a. The End of the Schism -- (pg. 361) -- b. St. Martial Senior Seminary -- (pg. 364) -- c. St. Martial College-Seminary -- (pg. 364) -- d. Social Works -- (pg. 370) -- e. Other Works -- (pg. 371) -- 2. Guadeloupe -- (pg. 372) -- a. Introduction -- (pg. 372) -- b. The Prefecture: 1815-1851 -- (pg. 373) -- c. The Secular Hierarchy: 1851-1912 -- (pg. 376) -- d. The Spiritan Hierarchy: 1912 to the present -- (pg. 380) -- 3. Martinique -- (pg. 383) -- a. The Prefecture: 1816-1851 -- (pg. 383) -- b. The Secular Hierarchy: 1852-1911 -- (pg. 384) -- c. The Spiritan Hierarchy: 1912 to the present -- (pg. 387) -- 4. Trinidad -- (pg. 389) -- a. St. Mary's College -- (pg. 389) -- b. College of Our Lady of Fatima -- (pg. 393) -- c. Other Works -- (pg. 393) -- 5. Puerto Rico -- (pg. 394) -- 6. Grenada -- (pg. 396) -- 7. Saint Martin -- (pg. 396) -- CHAPTER SIXTEEN—South America -- 1. French Guiana -- (pg. 397) -- a. First Period: 1775-1817 -- (pg. 397) -- b. Second Period: 1817-1893 -- (pg. 400) -- c. Third Period: 1893 to the present -- (pg. 405) -- 2. Brazil -- (pg. 409) -- a. Early Efforts -- (pg. 409) -- b. Missions in the Interior -- (pg. 410) -- c. Provinces in Formation -- (pg. 415) -- 3. Peru -- (pg. 416) -- 4. Argentina -- (pg. 417) -- CHAPTER SEVENTEEN—Indian Ocean -- 1. Reunion -- (pg. 418) -- a. The Prefecture: 1815-1851 -- (pg. 418) -- b. The Secular Hierarchy: 1851-1919 -- (pg. 421) -- c. The Spiritan Hierarchy : 1919 to the present -- (pg. 425) -- 2. Mauritius -- (pg. 427) -- 3. Little Malgaches Islands -- (pg. 431) -- 4. Madagascar -- (pg. 433) -- 5. Pondicherry and Chandernagor -- (pg. 436) -- CHAPTER EIGHTEEN—Australia -- (pg. 438) -- CHAPTER NINETEEN—General Features of the Missionary Labor of the Holy Ghost Fathers in Africa -- 1. Introduction -- (pg. 440) -- 2. The Pioneering Labor of the Holy Ghost Fathers in Africa -- (pg. 440) -- a. The Priority of the Spiritan Apostolate -- (pg. 442) -- b. The Spiritan Drive Towards the Interior -- (pg. 445) -- 3. Indirect Means of Apostolate -- (pg. 454) -- a. Economic Activity -- (pg. 455) -- b. Educational Endeavors -- (pg. 460) -- c. Charitable Enterprises -- (pg. 462) -- d. Scientific Work -- (pg. 467) -- e. Catholic Press and Youth Organizations -- (pg. 472) -- 4. Direct Means of Apostolate -- (pg. 474) -- a. Occupation of the Territory -- (pg. 475) -- b. The Technique of Convert Making -- (pg. 477) -- c. The Building of a Christian Society -- (pg. 481) -- 1. The Native Boarding Establishments -- (pg. 481) -- 2. The Promotion of Christian Family Life -- (pg. 484) -- 3. The Foundation of Christian Settlements -- (pg. 485) -- 4. Church Discipline, Sacramental and Devotional Practices -- (pg. 488) -- d. Native Elements of Action in the African Church -- (pg. 491) -- 1. Material Support -- (pg. 491) -- 2. Lay Apostolate -- (pg. 493) -- 3. Religious Men and Women -- (pg. 496) -- 4. African Clergy -- (pg. 498) -- 5. Political Factors and Spiritan Missionary Work -- (pg. 501) -- CHAPTER TWENTY—The Missions of the Holy Ghost Fathers in Africa -- 1. Senegal -- (pg. 508) -- a. The Prefecture of St. Louis -- (pg. 508) -- b. The Archdiocese of Dakar -- (pg. 512) -- c. The Diocese of Ziguinchor -- (pg. 514.) -- 2. French Guinea -- (pg. 517) -- 3. Cape Verde Islands -- (pg. 519) -- 4. Gambia -- (pg. 521) -- 5. Sierra Leone -- (pg. 523 -- Appendix: Liberia -- (pg. 526) -- 6. Nigeria -- (pg. 527) -- 7. The Cameroons -- (pg. 534) -- 8. French Equatorial Africa -- (pg. 541) -- a. Gabon -- (pg. 541) -- b. Middle Congo -- (pg. 544) -- c. Ubangi-Shari – (pg. 549) -- 9. Katanga (Belgian Congo) -- (pg. 551) -- 10. Angola and Portuguese Congo – (pg. 553) -- 11. Kroonstad-Bethlehem (South Africa) -- (pg. 557) -- 12. Kenya and Tanganyika -- (pg. 559) -- a. Kenya -- (pg. 560) -- Tanganyika -- (pg. 563) -- 13. The 1956 Statistics of the Spiritan Missions -- (pg. 567) -- 14. General Statistics of the Catholic Missions in Africa -- (pg. 569) – APPENDICES -- I. Union with Other Congregations -- (pg. 572) -- II. The Spiritan Habit -- (pg. 579) -- III. Religious Congregations Founded by Holy Ghost Fathers -- (pg. 581) -- IV. Ecclesiastical Circumscriptions Entrusted to the Congregation -- (pg. 586) -- V. Educational Institutions Operated by the Spiritans -- (pg. 588) -- VI. Provinces and Districts of the Congregation -- (pg. 593) -- VII. List of Superior Generals -- (pg. 596) -- VIII. The Evolution of the Vicariate of the Two Guineas -- (and charts) -- (pg. 597) -- IX. The Evolution of the Prefecture of Zanguebar -- (chart) – BIBLIOGRAPHY -- (pg. 601) -- INDEX OF NAMES -- (pg. 613) -- INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER -- (pg. 627)
Date January 1958
CreatorsKoren, Henry J., C.S.Sp.
ContributorsGumberg Library, Duquesne University
PublisherDuquesne University Press
Source SetsDuquesne University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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