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Uticaj suspendovanih čestica " PM2,5" iz vazduha životne sredine na mortalitet, kardiovaskularni i respiratorni morbiditet odraslog stanovništva Grada Novog Sada / Impact of ambient suspended particles “PM2,5” on mortality, cardiovascular and respiratory morbidity of adults in the city of Novi Sad

<p>Kvalitet vazduha u urbanim sredinama predstavlja jedan od glavnih uzroka zdravstvenih problema. Prema podacima SZO u svetu se godi&scaron;nje usled zagađenja vazduha u urbanim sredinama dogodi preko 2,7 miliona smrtnih slučajeva. Procenjuje se da najbolji indikator za procenu veličine zdravstvenog rizika od zagađenja vazduha jeste koncentracija suspendovanih čestica PM2,5 u vazduhu životne sredine. Cilj: Proceniti uticaj suspendovanih čestica PM2,5 iz vazduha životne sredine na ukupan mortalitet, kardiovaskularni i respiratorni bolnički morbiditet odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva Grada Novog Sada. Takođe, cilj istraživanja je bio da se i utvrdi koncentracija i hemijski sastav suspendovanih čestica PM2,5 u vazduhu životne sredine na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada, na dnevnom i godi&scaron;njem nivou, uzimajući u obzir i uticaj meteorolo&scaron;kih parametara. Metod: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao prospektivna studija vremenske serije podataka o kvalitetu vazduha, meteorolo&scaron;kim parametrima i zdravstvenim ishodima, u intervalima od najmanje 30 dana tokom sva četiri godi&scaron;nja doba 2017. godine. Uzorkovanje i određivanje koncentracije i hemijskog sastava čestica PM2,5 u skladu sa propisanim standardnim metodama, je obavljeno na mernim mestima u životnoj sredini Grada Novog Sada, koja reprezentuju uticaj saobraćaja i urbanog pozadinskog područja na zagađenje vazduha životne sredine. Primenjen je Lenschow pristup za kvantifikaciju veličine doprinosa saobraćaja porastu koncentracije suspendovanih čestica PM2,5 u vazduhu životne sredine. Podaci o meteorolo&scaron;kim parametrima (temperatura vazduha, relativna vlažnost vazduha i brzina vetra), su preuzeti od Republičkog hidrometeorolo&scaron;kog zavoda Srbije. Podaci o zdravstvenim ishodima (dnevni broj umrlih i hospitalizovanih zbog kardiovaskularnih i respiratornih bolesti), za stanovni&scaron;tvo starije od 18 godina, čije mesto stanovanja pripada teritoriji Grada Novog Sada, obezbeđeni su od strane Centra za informatiku i biostatistiku u zdravstvu Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine. Za procenu uticaja nezavisnih promenljivih na zavisne (ukupan mortalitet / bolnički morbiditet) primenjen je generalizovani linearni model regresione analize za vremenske serije podataka (Poason). Rezultati: Prosečna godi&scaron;nja koncentracija suspendovanih čestica PM2,5 iz vazduha životne sredine na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada je iznosila 30,27 &mu;g/m3, a srednje dnevne koncentracije 8-79&nbsp; g/m3. Približno 30% varijabilnosti srednjih dnevnih koncentracije suspendovanih čestica PM2,5 se može objasniti lokalnim meteorolo&scaron;kim uslovima. Hemijski sastav čestica na području Grada Novog Sada u najvećem procentu čini ekvivalent karbonatne frakcije čestica, zatim sekundarni neorganski aerosol i rastvorljiva organska frakcija, dok su joni rastvorljivi u vodi (kalcijum, hloridi, natrijum, kalijum i magnezijum) zastupljeni u najmanjem procentu. Prisutni izvori zagađenja vazduha životne sredine na području Grada Novog Sada su procesi sagorevanja fosilnih goriva i biomase, saobraćaj, mineralna (zemlji&scaron;na) pra&scaron;ina i sekundarno zagađenje regionalnog porekla. Doprinos saobraćaja porastu prosečne godi&scaron;nje koncentracije suspendovanih čestica PM2,5 je iznosio 40%. Masena koncentracija čestica PM2,5, kao i hemijski sastav čestica (ekvivalent karbonatne frakcije, rastvorljiva organska frakcija, joni kalijuma i kalcijuma) doprinose umiranju i oboljevanju odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva Grada Novog Sada. Na uticaj masene koncentracije i hemijskog sastava čestica PM2,5 najosetljivije su žene i stanovni&scaron;tvo starosti &ge; 65 godina, kao i mu&scaron;karci u pogledu uticaja ekvivalenta karbonatne frakcije čestica PM2,5. Zaključak: Dobijeni rezultati po prvi put opisuju zdravstveni uticaj masene koncentracije i hemijskog sastava čestica PM2,5 na području Grada Novog Sada, odnosno kvantifikuju rizik za ukupan mortalilteta i kardiovaskualrni i respiratorni morbiditet. Razumevanje uticaja suspendovanih čestica PM2,5 na oboljevanje i umiranje stanovni&scaron;tva, stratifikovanih prema starosnoj i polnoj strukturi, uz identifikaciju mogućih izvora zađenja vazduha na području Grada Novog Sada, predstavlja osnovu za razvoj javnozdravstvene politike u cilju unapređenja zdravlja stanovni&scaron;tva Grada Novog Sada.</p> / <p>Urban ambient air pollution is one of the leading causes of health problems. According to WHO data, over 2.7 million deaths occur in urban areas annually due to urban air pollution. Particulate matter PM2.5 is estimated to be the best indicator for assessing the magnitude of the health risk induces by ambient air pollution. Aim: To assess the impact of PM2.5 on total mortality, cardiovascular and respiratory hospital morbidity of the adult population of the City of Novi Sad. Also, the aim of the study was to determine the concentration and chemical composition of ambient PM 2.5 particles in the territory of the City of Novi Sad, on daily and annual bases, taking into account the impact of meteorological parameters. Method: The study was conducted as a prospective, a time series study of of data on air quality, meteorological parameters and health outcomes, at intervals of at least 30 days during all four seasons of 2017. Sampling and determination of the mass concentration and chemical composition of PM2.5 particles in accordance with the prescribed standard methods, it was performed at sampling stations in the City of Novi Sad, representing the impact of traffic and urban background impact on environmental air pollution. A Lenschow approach was used to quantify the magnitude of traffic contribution to the increase of ambient PM2.5 mass concentration. Meteorological data (air temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity) were taken from the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of Serbia. Data on health outcomes (daily number of deaths and hospitalizations due to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases) for the population older than 18, residing within the territory of the City of Novi Sad, have been provided by the Centre for Informatics and Biostatistics, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina. To evaluate the impact of independent variables on dependent (total mortality/hospital morbidity), a generalized linear regression model for time series data (Poisson) was applied. Results: The average annual mass concentration of PM2.5 in the territory of the City of Novi Sad was 30.27&mu;g/m3, while mean daily concentrations were 8- 79&mu;g/m3. Approximately 30% of the variability in mean daily concentrations of PM2.5 particles can be explained with local meteorological conditions. The chemical composition of PM2.5 in the area of Novi Sad is to the a great extent the equivalent of the carbonate fraction of the particles, then the secondary inorganic aerosol and the soluble organic fraction, while the water-soluble ions (calcium, chlorides, sodium, potassium and magnesium) are present in the lowest percentage. The sources of ambient air pollution in the area of the City of Novi Sad were the combustion of fossil fuels and biomass, traffic, mineral (soil dust) and secondary pollution of regional origin. Contribution of traffic to the increase of the average annual mass concentrations of PM2.5 particles was 40%. PM2.5 particle mass concentration, as well as the chemical composition of the particles (carbonate fraction equivalent, soluble organic fraction, potassium and calcium ions) contribute to the deaths and diseases of the adult population of the City of Novi Sad. Women and the population aged &ge;65, were more susceptible to mass concentration and chemical composition of PM2.5 related deaths and diseases, as well as men according to the impact of the equivalents of carbonate fractions of PM2.5. Conclusion: The results obtained show for the first time the health effects of mass concentration and chemical composition of PM2.5 particles in the City of Novi Sad, i.e. they quantify the risk for total mortality and cardiovascular and respiratory morbidity. Understanding the impact of suspended particles PM2.5 on population mortality and morbidity, stratified by age and sex structure, along with identifying of possible air pollution sources is the basis for the development of public health policies aimed at improving the population health in the City of Novi Sad.</p>
Date27 February 2020
CreatorsDragić Nataša
ContributorsBijelović Sanja, Jevtić Marija, Stojanović Dušica, Bjelanović (Mirilov) Jelena, Paunović Katarina, Kvrgić Svetlana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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