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Unapređenje metoda za utvrđivanje uštede emisija gasova s efektom staklene bašte pri korišćenju biogasa iz kukuruzovine

<p>Kukuruzovina je žetveni ostatak i potencijalni supstrat za proizvodnju biogasa. Direktivom 2018/2001 definisan je tzv. RED metod za obračunavanje ušteda emisija gasova s efektom staklene bašte&ndash; GHG. Metod je primenjiv za silažu kukuruza i stajnjak kao supstrat za proizvodnju biogasa, ali se na neadekvatan način obračunavaju emisije GHG za kukuruzovinu. Cilj je bio da se predlože unapređenja RED metoda kojima bi se prevazišli identifikovani problemi, kao i da se ispita uticaj primene unapređenog metoda na ocenu ušteda emisija GHG energetskog iskorišćenja biogasa iz kukuruzovine, tj. na ocenu održivosti. Uštede emisija GHG za sve razmatrane slučajeve primene RED metoda u osnovnoj i unapređenoj formi, imale su vrednost nižu od postavljenog kriterijuma od 70 %, tj. nisu održivi. Predloženo je da se RED metod unapredi ukidanjem pravila da se ne obračunavaju emisije GHG pre ubiranja žetvenih ostataka i da je potrebno da se navede da je ostatak fermentacije ko-produkt proizvodnje i korišćenja biogasa, kao i da je primena alokacije emisija GHG na biogas i ostatak fermentacije obavezna u slučaju primene ostatka fermentacije na polja sa kojih nisu ubirani žetveni ostaci.</p> / <p>Corn stover is a crop residue and potential substrate for biogas production. Directive<br />2018/2001 defines so-called RED method for determination of greenhouse gas (GHG)<br />emission savings. In the case of energy utilization of biogas produced from corn stover,<br />savings are calculated in an inadequate manner. The objective was to suggest the<br />improvements of the RED method in order to overcome the identified problems, as well<br />as to investigate the impact of the application of the improved method on the evaluation<br />of GHG emission savings, i.e. the the sustainability evaluation. The results of the GHG<br />emission savings, using the basic and the improved forms of RED method, show that all<br />considered cases had a value lower than the set criterion of 70%, i.e. they are not<br />sustainable. It was suggested to improve the RED method by abolishing the rule that<br />GHG emissions prior to collection of crop residue are not accounted. Also, it should be<br />noted that the digestate is a co-product of biogas production as well that the application<br />of the GHG emissions allocation to biogas and the digestate is mandatory in the case<br />when digestate is used on fields other than those used for substrate provision.</p>
Date04 October 2019
CreatorsVišković Miodrag
ContributorsĐatkov Đorđe, Martinov Milan, Ubavin Dejan, Cvetković Slobodan, Stanisavljević Nemanja
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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