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The development of stress theories and their implications for therapeutic interventions : a review

Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper provides a theoretical overview and critical evaluation of current
conceptualizations and research in the field of stress, with particular reference to the
integration of theoretical knowledge with therapeutic interventions. The discussion
commences with a brief look at the detrimental effects of stress. This is followed by a
clarification of the concepts of stress, stressors, strains and coping. A review of recent
developments in the major stress theories, namely the stimulus-response (S-R) models,
stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) models, social stress theories, the holistic health
model, control theory, psychodynamic theory, learning theory, self theory, existentialist
theory, cognitive theory, the transactional model and conservation of resources theory,
follows. Factors that can act as moderators of the adverse effects of stress are discussed
briefly, as they hold important implications for interventions in psychological practice.
These moderators include personality, social support and other moderators such as
spiritual health, tolerance for ambiguity and genetic predisposition. An attempt to show
how theory can inform practice by guiding specific interventions on primary, secondary
and tertiary prevention levels concludes the discussion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie artikel bied 'n teoretiese oorsig en kritiese evaluering van huidige
konseptualiserings en navorsing op die terrein van stres, met spesifieke verwysing na die
integrasie van teoretiese kennis met terapeutiese intervensies. Die bespreking begin met
'n algemene oorsig van die nadelige effekte van stres. 'n Verduideliking van die konsepte
van stres, stressors, stresverwante spanning (strain) en streshantering (coping) volg.
Hierop volg 'n oorsig van onlangse ontwikkelings in die belangrikste stresteorieë,
naamlik die stimulus-respons (S-R) modelle, die stimulus-organisme-respons (S-O-R)
modelle, sosiale stresteorieë, die holistiese gesondheidsmodel, sisteemteorieë,
psigodinamiese teorie, leerteorie, selfteorie, eksistensialistiese teorie, kognitiewe teorie,
die transaksionele model en laastens die behoud-van-bronne-teorie. Faktore wat kan dien
as moderators van die nadelige effekte van stres word ook kortliks bespreek, aangesien
hulle belangrike implikasies inhou vir terapeutiese intervensies. Die moderators wat in
hierdie artikel bespreek word sluit in persoonlikheid, sosiale ondersteuning en ander
moderators, naamlik geestelike welsyn, toleransie vir onsekerheid en genetiese
predisposisie. Die artikel word afgesluit met 'n bespreking oor hoe die teorie terapeutiese
intervensie kan bevorder op primêre, sekondêre en tersiêre voorkomingsvlakke.
Date12 1900
CreatorsDe Villiers, Annamarie
ContributorsSpangenberg, Judora, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format46 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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