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Numerical Investigations Of Lateral Jets For Missile Aerodynamics

In this thesis, effects of sonic lateral jets on aerodynamics of missiles and missilelike
geometries are investigated numerically by commercial Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) software FLUENT. The study consists of two parts. In the first
part, two generic missile-like geometries with lateral jets, of which experimental data
are available in literature, are analyzed by the software for validation studies. As the
result of this study, experimental data and CFD results are in good agreement with
each other in spite of some discrepancies. Also a turbulence model study is
conducted by one of test models. It is also found out that k-&epsilon / turbulence model is the
most suitable model for this kind of problems in terms of accuracy and ease of
convergence. In the second part of the thesis, parametric studies are conducted on a
generic supersonic missile, NASA TCM, to see the effect of jet parameters on
missile and component force and moments in pitch plane. Variable parameters are jet
location, jet mass flow rate and angle of attack. As a result, it was found out that
downstream influence zone of jet exit is more than the upstream influence zone. Normal force occurring by the interaction of the free stream and jet plume are
amplified whenever the jet exit is located between lifting surfaces. Greater pitching
moments are obtained when the jet exit moment arm with respect to moment
reference center or jet mass flow rate is increased.
Date01 September 2011
CreatorsAgsarlioglu, Ekin
ContributorsAlbayrak, Kahraman
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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