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Robust Video Transmission Using Data Hiding

Video transmission over noisy wireless channels leads to errors on video, which
degrades the visual quality notably and makes error concealment an indispensable
job. In the literature, there are several error concealment techniques based on
estimating the lost parts of the video from the available data. Utilization of data
hiding for this problem, which seems to be an alternative of predicting the lost data,
provides a reserve information about the video to the receiver while unchanging the
transmitted bit-stream syntax / hence, improves the reconstruction video quality
without significant extra channel utilization. A complete error resilient video
transmission codec is proposed, utilizing imperceptible embedded information for
combined detecting, resynchronization and reconstruction of the errors and lost
data. The data, which is imperceptibly embedded into the video itself at the encoder,
is extracted from the video at the decoder side to be utilized in error concealment. A
spatial domain error recovery technique, which hides edge orientation information of
a block, and a resynchronization technique, which embeds bit length of a block into
other blocks are combined, as well as some parity information about the hidden
data, to conceal channel errors on intra-coded frames of a video sequence. The
errors on inter-coded frames are basically recovered by hiding motion vector
information along with a checksum into the next frames. The simulation results show
that the proposed approach performs superior to conventional approaches for
concealing the errors in binary symmetric channels, especially for higher bit rates
and error rates.
Date01 January 2003
CreatorsYilmaz, Ayhan
ContributorsAlatan, Aydin A.
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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