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Korelacija između sastava i svojstava amorfnog As2S3 dopiranog bizmutom / Correlation Between Composition and Properties of Amorphous Bismuth-doped As2S3

<p>U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja termičkih, mehaničkih, električnih i optičkih karakteristika kvazibinarnih halkogenida iz sistema Bi-As2S3. Na osnovu termičkih merenja analizirana je kinetika kristalizacionih i predkristalizacionih procesa i utvrđen je mehanizam dekompozicije za različite sastave dobijenih stakala. Primenom impedansne spektroskopije kvantitativno su ocenjeni doprinosi relaksacionih procesa na pojedinim temperaturama u ukupnoj polaraziciji za stakla sa 5 i 7 at.% Bi. Na osnovu merenja Raman spektroskopije identifikovane su nastale strukturne jedinice i konstatovana pojava nanofazne separacije u staklima sa 1.5 i 3 at.% Bi. Mehanička merenja ispitivanih halkogenida različitog sastava ukazala su na povećanje Vickers-ove tvrdoće sa povećanjem udela primesnih atoma. Na osnovu procenjene vrednosti modula elastičnosti ustanovljeno je da uzorak sa 5 at.% Bi odlikuje najgu&scaron;će atomsko pakovanje. Merenja električnih karakteristika u jednosmernom režimu (DC) pokazala su da je udeo lokalizovanih stanja u ukupnom mehanizmu provođenja značajan samo za manje koncentracije primesnih atoma, a da za veće koncentracije dominantan faktor postaju preskoci između delokalizovanih stanja. Skok u provodljivosti za nekoliko redova veličine kod sastava sa složenijom strukturom protumačen je kao posledica fazne separacije. Rezultati&nbsp; ACmerenja dobijeni za sastav sa 5 at.% Bi ukazali su da je u mernom frekventnom intervalu i dalje dominantan mehanizam termičke aktivacije nosilaca naelektrisanja. Kod sastava sa maksimalnim sadržajem Bi uočena je promena provodljivosti u funkciji frekvencije na svim temperaturama, a dobijeni rezultati su u skladu sa postavkama modela korelisanih preskoka barijere (CHB model).</p> / <p>This paper presents the results of investigation ofthermal, mechanical, electrical and optical propertiesof quasibinar chalcogenides from the system Bi-As2S3.&nbsp;Kinetics analysis of softening and crystallizationprocesses was done on the basis of thermalmeasurements, as well the analysis of decompositionmechanism for different compositions of obtainedglasses. The application of impedance spectroscopy enabled quantitative description of relaxation process contributions at selected temperatures in the overallpolarization for the samples with 5 and 7 at.% Bi.&nbsp;Based on measurements of Raman spectroscopy identification of structural units in the investigated chalcogenides was made, as well as the appearance of&nbsp;nano-scale phase separation in the glasses with 1.5 and 3 at.% Bi. Mechanical measurements pointed to the increase of the Vickers hardness with increase of&nbsp;doping atoms content. &nbsp;Based on the estimated value of the modulus of elasticity it was found that the sample &nbsp;with 5 at.% Bi is characterized by the densest atomic&nbsp;arrangement. Measurements of the electrical properties in dc regime (DC) pointed out that the share of localized states in the whole mechanism of conduction&nbsp;is significant only for the smaller concentrations of doping atoms. For the samples with higher concentrations dominant &nbsp;factor in conductivity are transitions between delocalized states. The jump in conductivity by few orders of magnitude, noticed for&nbsp;the compound with heterogeneous structure was interpreted as a consequence of micro-scale phase&nbsp; separation. Results of&nbsp; ACmeasurements for the&nbsp; composition with 5 at.% Bi showed that the mechanism of thermal activation of charge carriers is&nbsp;still dominant in the measured frequency range. For&nbsp;&nbsp; the composition with the maximum content of Bi changes in conductivity versus frequency were observed at all temperatures, and the results were interpreted in accordance with the model of correlated hopping over the barrier (CHB).</p>
Date04 March 2016
CreatorsŠiljegović Mirjana
ContributorsLukić-Petrović Svetlana, Petrović Dragoslav, Stojanović Goran, Videnović Ivan, Sekulić Dalibor
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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