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The World in a Tabloid Fromat

The objective of this research project is to investigate the beliefs of eight Swedish journalists with reference to the controversial phenomenon of tabloidization and to unravel the impulses and the factors that are leading more and more publications to sensationalize their news content. Since this topic has been touched upon by previous research, the present thesis actions are directed towards a more particular research angle which has the intention to fill a less explored gap of the research area. Accordingly the aim of this thesis is to investigate and explore the very core of any newsroom which is the journalists themselves. This study deeply examines the journalists's opinions and views on the chosen topic.   The skeletal frame of this research is grounded on eight semi-structured face to face interviews with Swedish based journalists working for three different newspapers: Nerikes Allehanda, Aftonbladet and Expressen. The interviews were conducted between 1 ih of February and 6th of March 2012 both in 6rebro and Stockholm in different public locations chosen by the interviewees. The sampling technique chosen for this research study is the snowball sampling method in which every interviewed journalist recommended and helped the researcher to identify the next responded willing to take part in the study until the desired sample size was fulfilled. AH the interviews were recorded using a digital recording device. The gathered data which resulted from the transcription of the interviews was analyzed by using the grounded theory method with both induct.ive and deductive argumentation.  The findings of the study are pointing out the massive commercialization of the media sector anc;l the financial crisis as principal reasons in directing the journalists to present news in a more shocking and graphic manner. The interviewed Swedish journalists perceive tabloidization as a natural phenomenon while they are "u_sing" it as marketing tool in order to sell the newspaper. An interesting and unique finding is the "camouflage technique" used by the Swedish journalists to hide quality reportages and serious news under gossipy topics and hyperbolized headlines. The research concludes that even though Swedish journalists do not regard tabloidization as being a phenomenon characterized by dishonor, the future of the printed media stays into quality journalism and credible newspapers while tabloidization will become more and more a significant part of the online media.
Date January 2012
CreatorsNastase, Alexandru
PublisherÖrebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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