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論西歐婚姻法法制化起源—以第1至12世紀之世俗婚姻法(Secular Marriage Law)與教會婚姻法(The Marriage of Canon Law)之沿革及相互影響為探討中心 / The research of the origin of the West European marriage legislation—emphasized on the development and the interaction of the Secular Marriage Law and The Marriage of Canon Law

經歷過千禧年後,整個西歐來說似可稱為進入一個「復興改革時期」。在婚姻規範方面,或因教會改革奏效,民心歸向,且部分國王亦完全服膺教會婚姻規範,故上層階級之婚姻亦逐漸展現「由俗入聖」之趨。在婚姻法制方面,則在1140年左右由格拉濟亞,藉由教會法制史首見之科學分析方式,交出名為「不和諧教會法之調合」(Concordia discordantium canonum, A Harmony of Conflicting Canons)之法令集(Decretum),其內之婚姻法案例堪稱教會婚姻法一千多年來之結晶,堪稱為西歐婚姻法制化之源頭。
綜上,本研究發現今日婚姻法之法制起源,並非僅源自於十六世紀之法國民法,而係早在十二世紀之教會婚姻法中便可窺見其萌芽之蹤影,而今日婚姻法中受教會婚姻法影響者,亦非如一般教科書所稱僅「婚姻不解消」一端,而係包括「意思婚」、「一夫一妻制」及「異性婚」,並且禁止「重婚」、「內婚」均直接或間接受十二世紀教會婚姻法之影響。 / Abstract
The study was to explore the vacant development of marriage legal history before Renaissance, Religious Reformation and marriage returned to secular(movement de la sécularization du marriage) in Western Europe. Based on the four periods of history including “Roman Empire”(A.D1~A.D476),“the early church” (A.D1~A.D500), “Middle Age(A.D500~A.D1000)”, “the period of renew and reform (A.D1000~A.D1200)”, the study explored the origin and the development of today’s marriage law such as the essence, establishment, obstacle of the marriage, the right and obligation after getting marriage, and the dissolution of marriage, etc.
At first, the law of marriage in Roman Empire was established on “Dos’’(dowry) a lot. It showed that the main focus of Roman marriage was on re-allotting the properties of the male’s family instead of simply reconstituting connecting and extending two persons’ relationship after getting marriage.
Meanwhile from the first century, the law of marriage in the Church derived from Holy Bible emphasized the essence of marriage on the relationship of “two will became one flesh” in “A man will be united to his wife and they will become on flesh”. And through a ceremony, the marriage was established. After the ceremony, husband and wife should treat each other with love and obedience. Moreover ,the basic conviction of no dissolution after of the marriage was derived from that the marriage was established on the belief “what God has joined together ,let man not separate”.
During Middle Age (A.D 500~ A.D 1000), although the churches which spread over everyplace disseminated extensively the concept of “marriage rooted in God”, the upper class of society still didn’t approve the marriage concept of “two will become one flesh” and the conviction of no dissolution of the marriage, since they wanted to safeguard their family benefits, inherit properties, and satisfy their personal desire. Even like Carolingain dynasty in France which maintained good relationship with the Church was also in the same position. The upper class most went to the church and confessed their sin after committing crime, or spent the rest of their elder life in the abbey. As a result , the marriage of the lower class was holy and the upper class was secular showed during Middle Age.
To Western Europe, after millennium seemed to be called the period of renew and reformation. (A.D 1000~ A.D 1200). Since reformation in the Church showed results ,
the public attitude was for the Church, and some kings completely obeyed the marriage regulations of the Church, the marriage in the upper class also gradually displayed from secular to holy tendency. On the marriage legal system, Gratian composed a Decretum named “Concordia discordantium canonnum, A Harmony of Conflicting Canons” in A.D.1140 . The Causae of Decretum was recognized as the excellent piece of Church one thousand years age and the origin of marriage legal system in Western Europe.
The study found that the origin of today’s marriage legal system was not only derived from French Civil Law in the sixteenth century, but from marriage law in the Church in the twelfth century, And marriage law of the church in the twelfth century impacted today’s marriage law in many aspects. The influence was not only limited on the conviction of no dissolution action of the marriage as the common textbooks declared so, but directly or indirectly on the conviction of “ consensual marriage” ,“monogamy”, and on forbidding “ plural bigamy marriage” and “consanguine marriage.
Creators葉光洲, Chou, Yeh-Kuang
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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