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What does the Bible say God did when He created the heavens and the earth? The
study begins by investigating genres of creation texts and stating hermeneutical principles.
The claims of ten creation theories are evaluated by Bible creation texts. The ten creation
theories investigated are: pre-creation chaos, initial chaos, title or summary, young earth
scientific creationism, theistic big bang, old earth day-age progressive creation, literary
framework, creation revealed in six days, gap or ruin-restoration, and historical land
(Eden/Promised Land) creationism. The most exegetically supported claims of the ten
theories suggest a combined eleventh theory. Four diagnostic questions sort all eleven
theories into groups. The questions are: Does the Genesis 1 text indicate the days were six
daylight-evening-nighttime-morning-cycle days, or six long day-age geologic eras? Did God
create orderly cosmos and unfinished earth during the beginning, or was there chaos God
transformed into cosmos in the six days? Were the stated life kinds created once, or twice?
Did God create the heavens and earth in the beginning, or in the six days? The eleven
theories are evaluated by Bible creation texts related to the question, and theories with claims
counter to the creation texts are progressively eliminated. Only the eleventh combined theory
emerges. Finally the most exegetically supported claims of the ten theories are correlated into
a fully described eleventh combined creation theoryâtwo-stage Biblical creation (2SBC).
Stage one: In the beginning time (rÄ'shît inherently means a time period) God created the
heavens and the earth; but at the end of that time, earth was declared uninhabitable,
uninhabited, and darkened. The perspective of the apparent Narrator of stage two was
established. Stage two: By eight command units involving six day-night-cycle workdays God
made planet earth lighted, habitable, and inhabited. (The Bible neither explicitly affirms nor
explicitly denies time passage between the days, so caution is urged with Payneâs proposal.)
The tôledôt (colophon?) in Genesis 2:4a ends the two-part narrative. Since the length of the
beginning time is unstated by the Bible, two-stage Biblical creation claims a Biblically
undated universe and earth creation (UEC).
Date15 March 2012
CreatorsArnold, Thomas Patrick
ContributorsProf SJPK Riekert, Prof P Verster
PublisherUniversity of the Free State
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
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