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Српски роман за децу на почетку 21. века у светлу књижевних награда (2001-2010) / Srpski roman za decu na početku 21. veka u svetlu književnih nagrada (2001-2010) / Serbian Novel for Children at the Beginning ofthe 21st Century in the Light of Literary Prizes(2001-2010)

<p>Doktorska disertacija naslovljena &ldquo;Srpski<br />roman za decu na početku 21. veka u svetlu<br />književnih nagrada (2001-2010)&rdquo; bavi se<br />analizom romana za decu na srpskom jeziku<br />nagrađenih jednom od tri relevantne nagrade:<br />Nagradom &ldquo;Neven&rdquo;, Nagradom &ldquo;Politikinog<br />Zabavnika&rdquo; i Nagradom &ldquo;Rade Obrenović&rdquo; .<br />Osnovni predmet rada jeste sagledavanje<br />tipolo&scaron;kih odrednica i žanrovskih usmerenja<br />romana za decu u prvoj deceniji 21. veka,<br />njihovih estetskih vrednosti i(li)<br />reprezentativnosti, te utvrđivanje dominantne<br />slike sveta i detinjstva prezentovanih u ovim<br />delima, kao i razmatranje njihove razvojne<br />relevantnosti. Romani su analizirani<br />pojedinačno i u okviru tipolo&scaron;kih odrednica<br />kojima, po na&scaron;em mi&scaron;ljenju pripadaju, ali su,<br />takođe, sagledavani u &scaron;irem kulturolo&scaron;kom<br />kontekstu . Razmatran je odnos nagrađenih<br />romana prema aktuelnim događajima, kao i<br />ukupna uklopljivost u koncept megastrukture<br />modernizma, referencijalnost, prisutnost u<br />medijima, te mogućnost da budu baza za<br />najsavremeniji koncept kulture namenjene deci<br />koji implicira njihovo uključivanje u obrazovni<br />sistem, odnosno kanonizaciju. Sa obzirom da je<br />reč o delima koja nastaju u periodu tranzicije,<br />važan deo istraživanja je bio i odnos ovih<br />romana prema &scaron;irem kontekstu srpskog romana za decu, sa naglaskom na periodu osamdesetih i devedesetih godina. Zaključak koji izvodimo</p><p>nakon istraživanja jeste da je u naznačenom<br />periodu napisano i nagrađeno niz romana koji<br />po estetskoj izuzetnosti odgovaraju najvi&scaron;im<br />zahtevima bogate tradicije srpske književnosti<br />za decu. Takođe, primećena je i potreba za<br />promenama i inovacijama, koja je uslovila da<br />povremeno razlog za nagrađivanje bude<br />reprezentativnost dela i njegov komunikativni<br />potencijal, umesto izuzetnosti. Tri (tada) mlada<br />pisca (Jasminka Petrović, Igor Kolarov, Uro&scaron;<br />Petrović) su sredinom decenije u potpunosti<br />posvetili svoj umetnički i dru&scaron;tveni angažman<br />stvarala&scaron;tvu za decu, te svojim autentičnim<br />autorskim potpisima dragoceno obogatili<br />savremenu dečju književnost. Dakle, umetnička<br />dela nastala u prvoj dekadi 21. veka imaju<br />veliki potencijal da postanu deo budućeg<br />kanona, ali je prethodno neophodna ozbiljna<br />stručna i institucionalna rasprava</p> / <p>The Doctoral Dissertation entitled &ldquo;Serbian<br />Novel for Children at the Beginning of the 21st<br />Century in the Light of Literary Prizes (2001 &ndash;<br />2010)&rdquo; is based on analysis of novels for<br />children in Serbian language that were awarded<br />one of the three relevant prizes: &ldquo;Neven&ldquo;,<br />&rdquo;Politikin zabavnik&rdquo; and &ldquo;Rade Obrenović&rdquo;.<br />The basic focus of the dissertation is analysis of<br />typological characteristics and genre<br />orientations of the novels for children in the first<br />decade of the 21st century, their esthetic values<br />and/or representativity, and determination of a<br />dominant vision of the world and childhood<br />presented in these novels, as well as evaluation<br />of their developmental relevance. The novels<br />have been analyzed individually as well as<br />within typological characteristics to which, in<br />our opinion, they belong, and also they have<br />been seen in a wider culturological context. We<br />have analyzed the relation between the novels<br />that received awards and current events, their<br />potential to fit in the megastructural modernism<br />concept, their reference values, presence in the<br />media and a possibility to be a basis for the<br />most modern culture concept dedicated to<br />children, which implies their inclusion in the<br />educational system, that is, the canonization.<br />Bearing in mind that we speak about works that<br />have come into being in the transition period, an<br />important part of our investigation was oriented towards the relation of these novels with a wider</p><p>context of the Serbian novel for children, with<br />an emphasis on the period of the eighties and<br />ninetieth. The conclusion that we made after the<br />research is that many novels have been written<br />and awarded a prize in the stated period which,<br />judged by esthetic uniqueness, correspond to the<br />highest requirements of the rich tradition of the<br />Serbian literature for children. Also, a need for<br />changes and innovations has been noticed;<br />certain works were awarded prizes because of<br />their representative character and their<br />communicational potential, not because of their<br />uniqueness. In the middle of the decade three<br />(then) young authors (Jasminka Petrović, Igor<br />Kolarov, Uro&scaron; Petrović), dedicated their entire<br />artistic and social engagement to creating books<br />for children, so that they, by their authentic<br />signatures as authors, enriched the modern<br />literature for children.<br />Thus, the works of art created in the first decade<br />of the 21st century have a great potential to<br />become a part of the future canon; however,<br />before it happens, it is necessary to expose them<br />to a serious and institutional discussion.</p>
Date20 June 2016
CreatorsVučković Ankica
ContributorsPešikan LJuštanović LJiljana, Raičević Gorana, Šarančić-Čutura Snežana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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