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The relationship between training style and personality

Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was prompted by two significant aspects within the South
African training field. Firstly, the attitude of the South African
Government towards training in terms of legislation made it evident that
trainers will progressively playa more important role in organisations.
Secondly, although literature regard the trainer as one of the important
role-players in the training situation, no substantial research has been
done on training style as an aspect that can influence the trainer's
performance and ultimately the effectiveness of training.
In order to address this void, the research was dedicated to determine
whether a systematic relationship exists between the personality of a
__trainer and his/her training style. The following topics were examined by
means of a selective study of the literature: adult learners as the target _
of training programmes; pedagogy and andragogy as orientations to
training; the trainer; the definition of training style; the trait theory of
personality as the basis of the study; and empirical studies done on the
topic prior to this study.
In order to gather the necessary information, three questionnaires were
administered to a sample of 96 trainers. The 16-PF, which is an
established questionnaire, was used to collect data about the personality
traits of the respondents. Furthermore, a questionnaire namely the
Training Style Inventory was developed to measure the training style of
trainers. Trainers were then accordingly grouped in one of five types of
training styles. The last questionnaire gathered information regarding
demographic aspects of the sample.
The study found limited support for the hypothesis that there exists a
systematic relationship between personality and training style. However,
it was found that certain dimensions of personality do playa role in the
manifestation of a certain training style. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was geinspireer deur twee opmerklike aspekte binne die
Suid-Afrikaanse opleidingsveld. Eerstens, die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering se
houding jeens opleiding in terme van wetgewing, het dit duidelik gemaak
dat opleiers voortaan 'n toenemend belangrike rol in organisasies sal
vervul. Ten tweede het navorsing reeds bevestig dat die opleier een van
die belangrike rolspelers in die opleiding situasie is. Daar is egter tot op
hede geen noemenswaardige navorsing gedoen op opleidingstyl as 'n
aspek wat die werkverrigting van die opleier en uiteindelik die effektiwiteit
van opleiding beïnvloed nie.
Ten einde hierdie leemte aan te spreek, was die doel van hiedie navorsing
om te bepaal of daar 'n sistematiese verband bestaan tussen die
persoonlikheid van 'n opleier en syjhaar opleidingstyl. Deur middel van
selektiewe literatuurstudie is die volgende ondersoek: die volwasse
leerder as die teiken van opleidingsprogramme; pedagogie en andragogie
as orientasies tot opleiding; die opleier; definiering van opleidingstyl; die
trekteorie van persoonlikheid as die basis van die studie; en empiriese
studies oor die onderwerp wat hierdie navorsing vooraf gegaan het.
Om die nodige inligting in te samel is drie vraelyste deur 'n steekproef van
96 opleiers ingevul. Die 16-PF wat as 'n gevestigde meetinstrument
bekend staan, is gebruik om inligting in te sameloor die
persoonlikheidstrekke van die respondente. Voorts is 'n vraelys naamlik
die Training Style Inventory ontwikkelom die opleidingstyl van die
opleiers te meet. Opleiers is daarna ooreenkomstig gegroepeer in een
van vyf opleidingstyle. Die laaste vraelys het inligting ingesamel
aangaande die demografiese aspekte van die steekproef.
Die studie het beperkte steun gevind vir die hipotese dat daar 'n
verwantskap bestaan tussen persoonlikheid en opleidingstyl. Daar is egter gevind dat sekere dimensies van persoonlikheid wel 'n rol speel in
die verklaring van die manifestering van 'n sekere opleidingstyl.
Date05 1900
CreatorsEngelbrecht, Louise Christine
ContributorsDu Toit, J., Theron, C.C., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format130 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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