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A business plan for Saddle Hill fishing company

Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1994. / Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. University of Stellenbosch Business School. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The trawler industry is on the brink of proserity. This progress will result in both the
trawler industry and the state amending their policy formulation to adapt to changing
circumstances. The government will, for instance, have to consider subsidising the
building of boats and the establishment of infrastructure, which is becoming increasingly
expensive, and is already being done abroad. On the other hand, planning and
organisation of trawler industries will have to be done in close consultation with the
government, who is in fact responsible for fish sources. This will result in an enormous
responsibility for the government, who will have to improve research on fish resources
and availability of fish species. This information is of the utmost importance to trawler
industries that have to plan for future production and sales.
The progress of trawler industries is not just influenced by the government but also by
their own internal planning. Future development will definitely require more capital
outlay from industries in the form of modernized catching and processing equipment.
In the present-day highly competitive and rapidly changing environment it is difficult to
generate funds if no assets can be shown. Smaller enterprises that are not financially
strong enough to establish their own infrastructure, should consider amalgamation with
other small or large enterprises.
The author is of the opinion that the possibility to obtain the necessary funds for the
establishment of an own infrastructure without the required security, should exist with an
efficient business plan.
Insufficient planning in new enterprises is possibly the major contributing factor towards
failure. Without investing capital at this early stage, new ideas can be tested on paper by
means of planning.

A literature study was undertaken to evaluate the opinions of various authors on a business
plan. Factors for success in a good business plan were highlighted as follows:
keep the business plan brief;
do not over-diversify the enterprise;
avoid describing technical products and manufacturing process in a way only
comprehensible by an expert;
organise and wrap the business plan effectively;
the plan must be future orientated;
avoid exageration;
highlight critical risks;
discuss and include any relevant problems;
take care that the business plan is as complete as possible; and
identify the target market and avoid ambiguous, vague and unrealistic statements.
A business plan has been compiled for the purpose of this study. using the preceding
Finally, a recommendation regarding future capital absorption and extension has been
made to the company concerned. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die treilbedryf staan op die drumpel van vooruitgang. Hierdie vooruitgang gaan meebring
dat beide die treilondernemings en die Staat hul beleidsformulering sodanig sal moet
verander om aan Ie pas by die veranderende omstandighede. Die Staat sal byvoorbeeld
daaraan moet dink om die bou van bote, wat at hoe duurder word, en die oprigting van
infrastruktuur te subsidieer. iets wat weI in die buiteland gedoen word. Aan die anderkant
sal beplanning en organisasie van treilondememings in nouer kontak met die Staat, wat
verantwoordelik is vir die beheer van visbronne, moet geskied. Dit plaas 'n geweldige
taak op die skouers van die Staat, want by sal beter navorsing moet doen oor visbronne
en die beskikbaarheid van vissoorte. Hierdie inligting is van groot belang vir
treilondememings wat moet beplan vir produksie en verkope in die toekoms.
Die vooruitgang van treilondememings word egteT nie slegs deuT die Staat beinvloed nie,
maar ook deur hul eie interne beplanning. Toekomstige ontwikkeling gaan definitief meer
kapitaal van ondememings verg in die vorm van beter en meer modeme vang- en
In vandag se hoogs kompeterende en snelveranderende omgewing is dit moeilik om fondse
te genereer veral as geen bates getoon kan word nie. Klein ondememings wat nie
kapitaalkragtig genoeg is om 'n eie infrastruktuur op te rig nie, moet dit gewoonlik
oorweeg om met ander klein of groot ondememings te amalgameer.
Die navorser is van mening dat met behulp van 'n goeie besigheidsplan daar wei 'n
moontlikheid behoort te bestaan om die nodige fondse, sonder die vereiste sekuriteit, te
bekom om sodoende 'n eie infrastruktuur op te rig.
'n Gebrek aan beplanning by nuwe ondernemings is waarskynlik een van die grootste
enkele bydraende faktore tot mislukking. Deur beplanning kan nuwe idees op papier op
proef gestel word sonder om kapitaal op hierdie vroee stadium te investeer.

'n Literatuur ondersoek is onderneem om verskillende skrywers se menings ten opsigte
van 'n besigheidsplan te evalueer. Suksesfaktore vir 'n goeie besigheidsplan is dan ook

hou die besigheidsplan kort;
moet nie die onderneming oor-diversifiseer nie;
venny dit om die tegniese produkte en vervaardigingsproses op so 'n manier, dat net
'n kundige dit kan verstaan, te beskryf;
organiseer en verpak die besigheidsplan doelmatig;
orienteer die plan volgens die toekoms;
venny oordrewendheid;
lig kritieke risiko's uit;
bespreek en sluit enige toepaslike probleme in;
sorg dat die besigheidsplan so kompleet as moontlik is;
identifiseer die teikenmark en venny dubbelsinnige, vae en onwerklike stellings.
Met hierdie kennis as agtergrond is 'n besigheidsplan opgestel wat vir die doel van hierdie
studie gebruik is.
Ten slotte is 'n aanbeveling aan die betrokke maatskappy gemaak met die oog op
toekomstige kapitaalopneming en uitbreiding.
Date01 1900
CreatorsSchroeter, Klaus-Peter
ContributorsDe Coning, T. J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsStellenbosch University

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