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Dijagnoza reproduktivnog statusa nazimica na osnovu ovarijalnog i estrusnog reagovanja, posle tretmana gonadotropnim, luteolitičkim i progestagenim hormonskim preparatima / Diagnosis of gilts reproductive status based on ovarian and estrual reactions, after treatment by gonadotropic, luteolitic and progestagen hormonal preparations

<p>Determinacija reproduktivnog statusa priplodnih nazimica je važan faktor u tehnologiji njihovog odgoja i reproduktivnog iskori&scaron;tavanja. Zbog toga je, u intenzivnoj proizvodnji svinja, potrebna primena efikasnih metoda dijagnoze reproduktivnog statusa nazimica. Klasična metoda testiranja pojave estrusa, kontaktom nazimica sa polno zrelim nerastom nije dovoljno precizna. Pokazalo se, naime, da se, zbog nepreciznosti ove metode, oko 30 do 40% priplodnih nazimica izlučuje iz priploda, sa dijagnozom &bdquo;prolongirani preinseminacioni anestrus&ldquo;, iako su ove nazimice uspostavile cikličnu ovarijalnu aktivnost. Ovo ima za posledicu značajne zootehnolo&scaron;ke i ekonomske gubitke. Metoda real-time ultrazvučne dijagnoze reproduktivnog statusa je precizna, ali je skupa i nepraktična za masovnu primenu. Zbog toga je cilj ovog rada bio da se ispita mogućnost dijagnoze reproduktivnog statusa nazimica, na onsovu ovarijalnog i estrusnog reagovanja posle tretmana gonadotropnim, luteolitičkim i progestagenim hormonskim preparatima. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da postoji vrlo specifično ovarijalno i estrusno reagovanje polno nezrelih i polno zrelih nazimica, zavisno od primenjenog hormonskog tretmana. Rezultati primene luteolitičkih tretmana (PGF2&alpha;), pokazuju da ovaj tretman nije dovoljno precizan za dijagnozu reproduktivnog statusa nazimica. Tretman gonadotropnim hormonima (eCG i hCG) daje samo delimično precizne rezultate dijagnoze reproduktivnog statusa. Naime, polno nezrele nazimice reaguju dobrom sinhronizacijom estrusa, unutar prosečno 4 dana posle injekcije eCG. Međutim, trajanje intervala od injekcije eCG do pojave estrusa značajno varira, između 4 i 25 dana, kod polno zrelih nazimica. Vrlo precizna diferencijalna dijagnoza reproduktivnog statusa nazimica se postiže tretmanom sa progestagenim preparatima (Altrenogest, Regumate&reg;). Polno nezrele nazimice ne reaguju sinhronizovanom ovulacijom i pojavom estrusa, posle tretmana progestagenim preparatom. Polno zrele nazimice, međutim, reaguju vrlo viskim stepeno sinhronizovane ovulacije i pojave estrusa, posle progestagenog tretmana. Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju doprinos boljem poznavanju ovarijalnog i estrusnog reagovanja nazimica, posle tretmana egzogenim gonadotropinima, luteoliticima i progestagenima. Osim toga, ovi rezultati pružaju mogućnost precizne dijagnoze reproduktivnog statusa nazimimica u proizvodnim uslovima. Na taj način je moguće formulisati efikasniju tehnologiju reproduktivne eksploatacije nazimica i, time, povećati efikasnost intenzivne proizvodnje svinja.</p> / <p>Determination of the replacement gilts reproductive status is an important factor of gilts reproductive utilization efficiency. Therefore, the intensive pig production, require the application of effective methods of gilts diagnosis reproductive status. Classical method for estrus manifestation testing, by gilts contact with sexually mature boar is not precise enough. It has been proved that, due to the inaccuracy of this method, about 30 to 40% gilts are culled from the breeding, with a diagnosis of &quot;prolonged preinsemination anestrus,&quot; although these gilts was established cyclical ovarian activity. This results in significant zootechnical and economical losses. Method of real-time ultrasound diagnosis of reproductive status was accurate, but it is expensive and impractical in productive conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of gilts reproductive status diagnose, based on ovarian and estrous response after treatment with gonadotropin, luteolytic and progestogen hormonal preparations. Obtained results show that there is a very specific ovarian and estrous response of sexually immature and sexually mature gilts, depending on the applied hormonal treatment. Results of the luteolytic (PGF2&alpha;) treatment application, show that this treatment is not specific enough for the gilts reproductive status diagnosis. Treatment with gonadotropins (hCG and ECG) gives only a partial accurate diagnosis of gilts reproductive status. The sexually immature gilts respond with high level of estrus synchronization, within average 4 days after eCG injection. However, the interval from eCG injection to estrus manifestation varied between 4 and 25 days, in sexually mature gilts. Very accurate differential diagnosis of gilts reproductive status was achieved by treatment with progestogen preparations. Sexually immature gilts was not respond by synchronized estrus and ovulation, after treatment with progestogen preparation. Buth, sexually mature gilts respond with highly synchronized ovulation and estrus, within average 5 days after progestagenog treatment. The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of gilts ovarian and estrous responses to exogenous gonadotropins, luteolytics and progestagens treatment. In addition, these results provide an accurate ability for gilts reproductive status diagnosis in farms production conditions. On this way it is possible to formulate a more efficient technology of gilts reproductive exploitation and,thus, increase the efficiency of intensive pig production.</p>
Date24 May 2014
CreatorsBošnjak Darko
ContributorsStančić Ivan, Gvozdić Dragan, Radović Ivan, Stančić Blagoje, Savić Božidar
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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