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Uticaj kvaliteta semena na dinamiku razvoja, prinosi kvalitet suncokreta / The effect of seed quality on the developmentaldynamics, yield and quality of sunflower

<p>Izvod<br />IZ<br />Pet hibrida suncokreta (Sremac, Oliva, Cepko, NS-H-111 i Sumo 2 OR) gajena su tokom<br />vegetacionih sezona 2010. i 2011. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i<br />povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, na Rimskim &scaron;ančevima i na oglednom polju Poljoprivredne stručne<br />službe Zrenjanin. Laboratorijski deo ogleda izveden je u Laboratoriji za ispitivanje semena<br />Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada i Biohemijskoj laboratoriji<br />Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li semenski<br />materijal, poreklom sa istog lokaliteta i iste parcele, u procesu dorade semena tj. odvajanja<br />semena po frakcijama menja kvalitet, kao i da li ovakav način dorade semenskog materijala<br />utiče na prinos i komponente prinosa semena, kao i na sadržaj i prinos ulja odabranih<br />hibrida suncokreta. Takođe, cilj je bio i da se utvrdi da li nedostatak primarnog korena kod<br />ponika suncokreta dovodi do statistički značajnog smanjenja prinosa semena i ulja, kao i<br />kakav uticaj ima na komponente prinosa suncokreta. Analizirane su sledeće osobine:<br />klijavost i vigor semena, enzimska aktivnost, nicanje u polju, nakupljanje suve materije (po<br />biljnim organima i ukupno po biljci), visina stabla, prečnik glave, prinos semena, masa 1000<br />semena, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja. Statistička obrada podataka izvr&scaron;ena je primenom analize<br />varijanse trofaktorijalnog ogleda, prema modelu podeljenih parcela. Iz tabele analize<br />varijanse je prikazana verovatnoća značajnosti razlika po F-testu, a na osnovu uče&scaron;ća u<br />sumi kvadrata tretmana određen je procentualni udeo svakog faktora u ukupnoj<br />varijabilnosti. Takođe su izračunate i LSD vrednosti za poređenje razlika između tretmana<br />posmatranog faktora, na pragovima značajnosti od 1 i 5%. Utvrđena je i korelaciona<br />zavisnost posmatranih osobina. Rezultati analize varijanse pokazali su visoko značajno<br />uče&scaron;će glavnih faktora (godine, lokaliteta, frakcije semena, tipa ponika), kao i njihovih<br />međusobnih interakcija za većinu ispitivanih osobina. Na vrednosti ispitivanih osobina<br />najveći uticaj imala je godina istraživanja, a zatim lokalitet. Frakcija semena je imala visoko<br />značajan uticaj na klijavost semena, nicanje u polju, nakupljanje suve materije, prinos<br />semena i prinos ulja. Tip ponika je imao visoko značajan uticaj na enzimsku aktivnost</p> / <p>Five sunflower hybrids (Sremac, Oliva, Cepko, NS-H-111, and Sumo 2 OR) were grown in<br />2010 and 2011, on experimental fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi<br />Sad - Rimski &Scaron;ančevi, and experimental fields of the Agricultural Service Zrenjanin.<br />Laboratory tests were conducted at Laboratory for Seed Testing of the Institute of Field<br />and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, and Biochemical Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture,<br />University of Novi Sad. The aim of this research was to determine whether seed material<br />from the same locality and the same field lot changes quality during seed processing, i.e.<br />dividing seed lot into fractions, and additionally whether this type of seed processing<br />affects seed yield, seed yield components, oil yield, and oil content of the selected<br />sunflower hybrids. The aim was also to determine if missing primary root in sunflower<br />seedlings results in statistically significant decrease of seed and oil yield, and establish how<br />it influences sunflower yield components. The following traits were examined: seed<br />germination and vigour, enzymatic activity, field emergence, dry matter accumulation (in<br />plant organs and in the whole plant), stem height, head diameter, seed yield, 1000 seed<br />mass, oil content and oil yield. Statistical analysis of data was performed by analysis of<br />variance of the trifactorial trial using the split-plot design model. Table of analysis of<br />variance shows the probability of significance of differences by F-test, and based on the<br />participation in the treatment sum of squares, percentage ratio of each factor was<br />calculated in the total variability. LSD values at 1 and 5% were computed to compare<br />differences between treatments of the observed factor. Correlation dependence between<br />the observed traits was determined. Results of the analysis of variance showed a highly<br />significant participation of the main factors (year, locality, seed fraction, type of seedling),<br />and their mutual interactions for the majority of the examined traits. Year and locality had<br />the highest effect on the value of the examined traits. Seed fraction had highly significant<br />effect on seed germination, emergence, dry matter accumulation, seed yield, and oil yield.<br />Type of seedling had a highly significant effect on the enzymatic activity, seed yield, oil<br />content, and oil yield.</p>
Date30 December 2015
CreatorsMrđa Jelena
ContributorsCrnobarac Jovan, Miklič Vladimir, Boćanski Jan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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