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Contributions to generic visual object categorization

This thesis is dedicated to the active research topic of generic Visual Object Categorization(VOC), which can be widely used in many applications such as videoindexation and retrieval, video monitoring, security access control, automobile drivingsupport etc. Due to many realistic difficulties, it is still considered to be one ofthe most challenging problems in computer vision and pattern recognition. In thiscontext, we have proposed in this thesis our contributions, especially concerning thetwo main components of the methods addressing VOC problems, namely featureselection and image representation.Firstly, an Embedded Sequential Forward feature Selection algorithm (ESFS)has been proposed for VOC. Its aim is to select the most discriminant features forobtaining a good performance for the categorization. It is mainly based on thecommonly used sub-optimal search method Sequential Forward Selection (SFS),which relies on the simple principle to add incrementally most relevant features.However, ESFS not only adds incrementally most relevant features in each stepbut also merges them in an embedded way thanks to the concept of combinedmass functions from the evidence theory which also offers the benefit of obtaining acomputational cost much lower than the one of original SFS.Secondly, we have proposed novel image representations to model the visualcontent of an image, namely Polynomial Modeling and Statistical Measures basedImage Representation, called PMIR and SMIR respectively. They allow to overcomethe main drawback of the popular "bag of features" method which is the difficultyto fix the optimal size of the visual vocabulary. They have been tested along withour proposed region based features and SIFT. Two different fusion strategies, earlyand late, have also been considered to merge information from different "channels"represented by the different types of features.Thirdly, we have proposed two approaches for VOC relying on sparse representation,including a reconstructive method (R_SROC) as well as a reconstructiveand discriminative one (RD_SROC). Indeed, sparse representation model has beenoriginally used in signal processing as a powerful tool for acquiring, representingand compressing the high-dimensional signals. Thus, we have proposed to adaptthese interesting principles to the VOC problem. R_SROC relies on the intuitiveassumption that an image can be represented by a linear combination of trainingimages from the same category. Therefore, the sparse representations of images arefirst computed through solving the ℓ1 norm minimization problem and then usedas new feature vectors for images to be classified by traditional classifiers such asSVM. To improve the discrimination ability of the sparse representation to betterfit the classification problem, we have also proposed RD_SROC which includes adiscrimination term, such as Fisher discrimination measure or the output of a SVMclassifier, to the standard sparse representation objective function in order to learna reconstructive and discriminative dictionary. Moreover, we have also proposedChapter 0. Abstractto combine the reconstructive and discriminative dictionary and the adapted purereconstructive dictionary for a given category so that the discrimination power canfurther be increased.The efficiency of all the methods proposed in this thesis has been evaluated onpopular image datasets including SIMPLIcity, Caltech101 and Pascal2007.
Date14 December 2010
CreatorsFu, Huanzhang
PublisherEcole Centrale de Lyon
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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