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Electrical Impedance Spectroscopic Studies On Bread Staling : Sensors And Instrumentation

Quality control is essential in food industry and efficient quality assurance is becoming increasingly important. The assessment of food quality still centers on its sensory properties (appearance, aroma and texture). Bread is one of the most consumed food item all over the world. Bakery product manufacturers expect that the bread should retain all of its attributes during storage and consumers expect their bread to be ‘fresh’. Unfortunately, it remains truly ‘fresh’ for only a few hours after it leaves the oven because the ingredients of the bread undergo series of physical and chemical changes that eventually lead to deterioration, referred as “staling”, of bread quality. Bread staling is classified in two categories: crust (outer portion of bread) staling and crumb (center portion of bread) staling. Crust staling is associated to the moisture migration from crumb to crust during storage. This moisture migration leads to a phenomenon called glass transition at crust. This phenomenon changes the mechanical and dielectric properties of bread crust. Crumb staling is mainly associated to the physicochemical changes in starch. During storage, amorphous starch regains its crystallinity, which increases the firmnesss and dryness of bread crumb. Thus, the knowledge of moisture content, starch recrystallization and the glass transition helps in understanding the bread staling mechanism. There are some volatiles produced from the bread during storage, which forms the characteristic flavor or aroma of the bread. The loss of this characteristic flavor during storage also gives the information about the loss of freshness and staling. Thus, there is a need for detection and monitoring the loss of these volatiles to determine the characteristic flavor during storage. Hence, the present investigations are focused on these issues and developed a measurement facility to monitor the above physicochemical changes in bread during storage. As a part of experimental investigations, two separate test facilities have been developed.
A multichannel ring electrodes with suitable instrumentation based on impedance spectroscopy technique is developed for simultaneous measurement of electrical properties of bread at crust and crumb during storage in the frequency range from 50 Hz to 100 kHz. The detailed investigations have been conducted on wheat bread. The variation in capacitance showed that the glass transition phenomenon, at room temperature, in bread crust occurs after 96 h of storage with 18% of moisture in it. The resistance changes at bread crumb showed the starch recrystallization during staling. The electrical property results are justified with the results obtained from the conventional differential scanning calorimmetery (DSC) studies. The impedance measurement at crust and crumb estimates the moisture content at the respective zones of bread. Thus the test facility is used for the simultaneous measurement of moisture content, starch recrystallization and glass transition at crumb and crust respectively without destructing the bread loaf. A few experiments are conducted on maida bread and the obtained results are compared with the wheat bread results.
Another test facility has been developed for the detection of volatiles produced from the wheat bread during storage. The gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) experimentations are conducted to identify the volatiles produced from the bread during storage. The major volatiles produced from wheat bread are found to be 1-Heptanol, 1-Pentanol, 1-Octanol, Furan and Hydroperoxyde. A conducting polymer based gas sensor is designed and developed to sense these volatiles and the changes in its electrical property is monitored with a suitable instrumentation based on impedance spectroscopy technique in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 2MHz. Experimental investigations are carried out in an in-house air tight closed test chamber. The bread sample and the designed sensor are kept inside the test chamber and closed tightly so that only bread volatile can interact with the sensor. The sensor response is monitored by measuring the changes in its capacitance upon exposure to organic volatiles produced from bread during storage. It is observed that the capacitance of the sensor changes with the quantitative changes of the above volatiles. Thus, the test facility is found quite suitable for the detection and monitoring the bread volatiles produced during storage, which finally affects the aroma property.
Thus, the developed experimental test facilities with suitable sensors and instrumentation based on impedance spectroscopy technique are found quite suitable to monitor the changes in physicochemical properties and aroma of bread during storage. The correlation between the measured electrical properties and the changes in the textural and flavor properties of bread during storage has been established. The results obtained with the developed test facilities are in good agreement with the results obtained from the standard traditional techniques like DSC and GC-MS.
Date06 1900
CreatorsBhatt, Chintan M
ContributorsNagaraju, J
Source SetsIndia Institute of Science
Detected LanguageEnglish

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