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Performance and Complexity Comparison of Doppler Spread Estimation for WCDMA Systems

In cellular communication systems, the estimation of Doppler spread has a wide range of applications such as handoff, channel assignment scheme, adaptivetransmission, power control, etc. A great quantity of Doppler spread estimation algorithms have been proposed in the literature. But there has been few investigations which gives a comprehensive comparison of these algorithms. Therefore, it is of great signicance to compare and evaluate the performance of the existing algorithms in the same simulation framework. In this report, the uplink of WCDMA is considered. Four different types of Doppler spread estimation algorithms are evaluated and compared in a link level baseband simulator. The performance and the ability to implement are considered as the metrics for evaluation. Both Rayleigh and Rician fading channel model are applied, and the effect of speed, signal to noise ratio, Rician factor and the angle of arrived line of sight component are also tested. Moreover, the computational complexity is analysed to evaluate the practical value for implementation. / Estimatering av en mobils hastighet i form av Dopplerspridning har ett brett spektrum av tillmpningar i cellulra kommunikationssystem ssom fr yttningen avmobiler mellan celler, kanaltilldelningsschema, adaptiv sndning, eektstyrning,etc. En stor mngd algoritmer fr estimering av Dopplerspriding har frslagitsi litteraturen, men det r ovanligt med heltckande jmfrelser mellan med dessaalgoritmer. Drfr r det av stor betydelse att jmfra och utvrdera resultaten avbentliga algoritmer inom ramen fr samma simuleringsvertyg.I denna rapport anvnds upplnken fr WCDMA fr utvrdering av fyra olikatyper av algoritmer fr estimering av Dopplerspridning. Metriker fr utvrderingenr prestanda och implementeringsvnlighet. Bde Rayleigh och Rician fdningskanalmodeller har utvrderas, samt eekten av mobilens hastighet, signaltill brus frhllande, Rician faktor och infallsvinkel i ppet flt scenario. Dessutomhar den berkningsmssiga komplexiteten analyseras fr att utvrdera den praktiskaanvndbarheten i riktiga system.
Date January 2014
CreatorsPeng, Ziqi
PublisherKTH, Kommunikationsteori
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationEES Examensarbete / Master Thesis ; XR-EE-KT 2014:009

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