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Hertzogprystoekennings vir drama : 1915 tot 1971 (Afrikaans)

AFRIKAANS: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns vier vanjaar sy eeufees. Hierdie instansie is die kurator van die Hertzogprys, ’n gesogte letterkundeprys en die oudste en bekendste prestigetoekenning wat deur hierdie instansie gemaak word. Die terrein wat deur hierdie proefskrif gedek word, is die Akademie se houding teenoor en bevordering van Afrikaanse drama, met ’n geslypter fokus op die Hertzogprystoekennings vanaf 1915 tot net voor 1972. Etlike gegewens met betrekking tot die prys soos aangebied in reeds gepubliseerde werk, is verwarrend of nie feitelik korrek nie. Ten einde klarigheid daaroor te kry, is ’n grondige studie gemaak van die toekenningsprosedures en die invloed daarvan op die dramabekronings tot voor 1972. Dit was veral verhelderend met betrekking tot die dramaturg Uys Krige. Aanvanklik het die drie literêre kategorieë prosa, poësie en drama gelyktydig in aanmerking gekom vir die prys. Vanaf 1928 roteer dit en kom Afrikaanse dramas elke derde jaar aan die beurt. In vergelyking met die literêre kategorieë prosa en poësie, is daar relatief min dramabekronings gemaak – veral aan die beginjare van die prys. Deur noukeurige studie is gepoog om die gebrek aan dramatoekennings in perspektief te stel. Klem word gelê op die rol wat prosedures gespeel het, byvoorbeeld minder goeie prosedures wat veroorsaak het dat die verkeerde of geen toekennings gemaak is nie en sodoende bygedra het tot ’n skewe beeld wat bestaan oor Hertzogprystoekennings vir Drama. Sekere toekennings (of gebrek daaraan) kan direk gekoppel word aan foutiewe uitsprake van administratiewe amptenare, onbevredigende prosedures of aan die invloed van persone wat seggenskap oor die prys gehad het. Bepalende bakens en beslissings word aangetoon. Die sestigerjare was in die geskiedenis van die land en van die Akademie vol beroeringe. Met betrekking tot die Akademie se beleid oor die handhawing en bevordering van die Afrikaanse kultuur, het Akademielede van mekaar verskil oor die vertolking en uitlewing daarvan. Dit het gelei tot uiteenlopende menings oor die rigting wat die Akademie moes inslaan, maar ook oor sekere literêre werke. Verskillende menings het geheers oor wie die finale seggenskap oor die Hertzogprys moes hê: die Akademieraad as kurator van die prys volgens die skenkingsakte, of die Letterkundige Kommissie wat die kundiges op letterkundegebied was. Hierdie meningsverskille is op die spits gedryf in 1966 – die jaar waarin Uys Krige vir ’n dramatoekenning aanbeveel is. Die Akademieraadsbesluit om nie daardie jaar ’n prys toe te ken nie, het hewige kritiek ontlok – selfs van Kommissielede, en sou nog vir jare daarna ’n rimpeleffek hê. Die eerste staande Letterkundige Kommissie is aangewys vir die periode April 1968 tot April 1971 en die eerste toekenning waaroor hulle moes besluit, was die Dramatoekenning van 1969. In teenstelling met die stormagtige sestigerjare, het dramabekronings in die jare daarna verloop sonder onmin tussen die Akademieraad, die Fakulteitsraad en die Letterkundige Kommissie. Die jare waartydens ’n Hertzogprys vir Drama toegeken kon word vanaf 1972 tot 2009, word slegs kortliks en skematies gedek om die bespreking af te rond met betrekking tot dié dramaturge wat reeds voor 1972 gedebuteer het, maar eers daarna met die prys bekroon is. ENGLISH: The year 2009 marks the centenary celebrations of the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. This institution is the curator of the Hertzog Prize, a sought-after literary prize and the oldest and most prestigious award made by this institution. This dissertation focuses on the Academy’s attitude towards and advancement of Afrikaans drama, with the focus on the Hertzog Prize awards from 1915 until 1971. Certain information relating to the prize as recorded in previously published works on the subject, are confusing and factually incorrect. In an effort to clarify these, an in depth study was undertaken of the award procedures and their influence on the awards for drama up to 1972. It was especially enlightening with regard to the dramatist Uys Krige. Initially the three literary categories prose, poetry and drama were considered simultaneously, but as from 1928 they rotate and Afrikaans dramas are considered every third year. In comparison with the literary categories prose and poetry, there is a paucity of drama awards – especially during the early years of the prize. An effort was made to place the paucity in perspective. Emphasis is placed on procedures with specific reference to those less than perfect ones which lead to incorrect, or the lack of, awards, resulting in a warped image of drama awards. Certain awards or lack thereof, can be attributed to incorrect statements by administrators, unsatisfactory procedures or the influence of people with authority. Defining beacons and decisions are indicated. In the nineteen sixties the country and the Academy experienced years of turbulence. With regards to the Academy’s policy on the protection and advancement of Afrikaans culture, members of the Academy differed on the interpretation and implementation thereof. This lead to differing views on the Academy’s course and on certain literary works. There were different views on who should have the final say on the Hertzog Prize: the Board as curator of the prize according to the deed of gift, or the Commission for Literature as literary experts. These differences lead to a boiling point in 1966 when Uys Krige was nominated for the prize. The Board’s decision not to award the prize lead to severe criticism – even from members of the Committee, and had a ripple effect for years thereafter. The first standing Commission for Literature was appointed for the period April 1968 to April 1971 and the first award they had to adjudicate was the Drama award for 1969. As opposed to the stormy sixties, the awards for drama in the following years were made without discord between the board of the Academy, the Faculty and the Commission for Literature. The years during which the Drama Prize could be awarded during the period 1972 to 2009 are dealt with briefly and schematically in order to conclude the discussion with reference to those dramatists who made their drama debut before 1972, but were only awarded the Hertzog Prize after 1972. / Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Afrikaans / unrestricted
Date09 May 2010
CreatorsCarstens, Beatrice Hendrina Jacoba
ContributorsPretorius, C. E.,
PublisherUniversity of Pretoria
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Rights© 2009 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.

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