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Information technologies, e-skills and job performance

L’objectif de cette thèse consiste à contribuer à l’analyse de l’impact des Technologies del’Information (TI) sur les performances des salariés sur le marché du travail. Notre travail évalue lesimpacts de l’acquisition des compétences numériques (e-compétences) sur les performances dessalariés afin de définir les stratégies les plus adéquates à mettre en oeuvre par les décideurs publics etle management des entreprises. Pour ce faire, notre approche a consisté à identifier deux modalitéscomplémentaires d’acquisition des e-compétences requises sur le marché du travail : d’une part, lesformations sur le lieu du travail (lifelong learning) que nous qualifierons de stratégies à court termed’acquisition de e-compétences, et d’autre part, les formations durant la période d’apprentissagescolaire et notamment universitaire que nous qualifierons de stratégies à long terme. Dès lors, deuxinvestigations complémentaires ont été élaborées respectant ce découpage. La première a contribué àfournir des résultats originaux concernant les stratégies à court terme. Nous avons démontré dans lecontexte français et européen les apports des e-compétences dans l’amélioration de la performancecontextuelle des salariés. La seconde investigation, relative aux stratégies à long terme, a mis l'accentsur les modalités d’acquisition des e-compétences par les étudiants en France et leurs apportsadditionnels en termes de performances académiques.Nos résultats mettent donc en évidence l’importance d’instaurer unsystème éducatif basé sur un apprentissage collaboratif et participatif où la connaissance est coconstruiteavec l’étudiant et non pas uniquement délivrée par l’enseignant. / This thesis is devoted to analyzing the impact of Information Technologies (IT) on workers’performance in the labor market. It aims to measure the impacts of e-skills’ acquisition on workers’performance in order to discover the most suitable strategies to adopt by policy-makers and firms’management. In order to do this, the approach consists of two complementary layers of e-skills’acquisition needed in the labor market: On one hand, lifelong learning in the workplace qualified asshort-term strategies of e-skills’ acquisition. On the other hand, trainings acquired during schoollearning and mainly at university qualified as long-term strategies. Consequently, two complementaryinvestigations have been elaborated. The first one has contributed to provide original results regardingshort-term strategies. In the French and European context, the contributions of e-skills to animprovement in workers’ contextual performance have been shown. The second investigation, whichconcerns long-term strategies, focused on how students acquire e-skills in France and theircontribution to academic performance.Four chapters are the backbone of this work.The first chapter concerns the impact of IT use on workers’ contextual performance in Europe.Results show the positive impact of such use on workers’ contextual performance. Without e-skillsindicators, this use is confused with the ability to use IT.Recognizing the limitations of this approach, despite its wide coverage, a deeper analysis isprovided in the second chapter. The second chapter focuses on the role of e-skills on workers’contextual performance in the French context. On one hand, results show a positive effect of e-skills’level on workers’ contextual performance. On the other hand, they show differentiated impacts whenlooking into each component of contextual performance separately. These results do not challenge therole of e-skills in improving workers’ performance and particularly their contextual ones, but theystress the need to focus on the strategies to acquire and maintain the e-skills’ level needed for efficientuse of IT.The last two chapters are devoted to defining the strategies that facilitate e-skills’ acquisition.The third chapter allows the short-term strategies acquired within the firm to be identified.Results of this chapter show the positive impact of IT use and trainings on workers’ e-skills. Thus,short-term strategies focus on the need of IT access at work and at home, encouraging professionaland personal IT use, providing IT training for workers and encouraging them to try collaborative workin different tasks.The fourth chapter focuses on the long-term strategies of e-skills’ acquisition acquired atuniversity. The chapter reveals the primordial role of students’ involvement, the diversity of learningmethods and collaborative work on students’ (future workers) e-skills. Our results highlight theimportance of establishing an educational system based on collaborative learning where theknowledge is built with students and not just delivered by the teacher.
Date24 September 2012
CreatorsOmrani, Nessrine
ContributorsParis 11, Université Tunis El Manar. Faculté de sciences économiques et de gestion de Tunis (Tunisie), Ben Youssef, Adel, M'Henni, Hatem
Source SetsDépôt national des thèses électroniques françaises
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation, Text, StillImage

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