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Investigating Soil Property and Quality Changes from Samples Submitted to the LSU AgCenter Soil Testing Laboratory

The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the trends in soil nutrient levels from soil samples submitted to the LSU AgCenter soil testing and plant analysis laboratory during 2008 to 2012. This study indicates the trend for soil pH, soil phosphorus and soil potassium for corn, cotton, rice, grain sorghum, soybeans, and sugarcane. These six crops were analyzed in this study because of the economic significance to the Louisiana agricultural industry. The trend in soil nutrients studied were generally within the recommended levels for sustainability and environmental stewardship. This study describes the trends for soil pH, soil phosphorus and soil potassium for Louisiana soils during the years 2008 2012. The value of this paper lies in calling attention to broad nutrient needs and challenges faced by the crop producers. Finally, the study findings demonstrate the importance of monitoring soil nutrient trends and environmental stewardship.
Date03 September 2013
CreatorsWilliams, Mark A.
ContributorsJohnson, Earl C., Fox, Janet E., Machtmes, Krisanna
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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