The detection of 2D image features using local energy

Accurate detection and localization of two dimensional (2D) image features (or 'key-points') is important for vision tasks such as structure from motion, stereo matching, and line labeling. 2D image features are ideal for these vision tasks because 2D image features are high in information and yet they occur sparsely in typical images. Several methods for the detection of 2D image features have already been developed. However, it is difficult to assess the performance of these methods because no one has produced an adequate definition of corners that encompasses all types of 2D luminance variations that make up 2D image features. The fact that there does not exist a consensus on the definition of 2D image features is not surprising given the confusion surrounding the definition of 1D image features. The general perception of 1D image features has been that they correspond to 'edges' in an image and so are points where the intensity gradient in some direction is a local maximum. The Sobel [68], Canny [7] and Marr-Hildreth [37] operators all use this model of 1D features, either implicitly or explicitly. However, other profiles in an image also make up valid 1D features, such as spike and roof profiles, as well as combinations of all these feature types. Spike and roof profiles can also be found by looking for points where the rate of change of the intensity gradient is locally maximal, as Canny did in defining a 'roof-detector' in much the same way he developed his 'edge-detector'. While this allows the detection of a wider variety of 1D features profiles, it comes no closer to the goal of unifying these different feature types to an encompassing definition of 1D features. The introduction of the local energy model of image features by Marrone and Owens [45] in 1987 provided a unified definition of 1D image features for the first time. They postulated that image features correspond to points in an image where there is maximal phase congruency in the frequency domain representation of the image. That is, image features correspond to points of maximal order in the phase domain of the image signal. These points of maximal phase congruency correspond to step-edge, roof, and ramp intensity profiles, and combinations thereof. They also correspond to the Mach bands perceived by humans in trapezoidal feature profiles. This thesis extends the notion of phase congruency to 2D image features. As 1D image features correspond to points of maximal 1D order in the phase domain of the image signal, this thesis contends that 2D image features correspond to maximal 2D order in this domain. These points of maximal 2D phase congruency include all the different types of 2D image features, including grey-level corners, line terminations, blobs, and a variety of junctions. Early attempts at 2D feature detection were simple 'corner detectors' based on a model of a grey-level corner in much the same way that early 1D feature detectors were based on a model of step-edges. Some recent attempts have included more complex models of 2D features, although this is basically a more complex a priori judgement of the types of luminance profiles that are to be labeled as 2D features. This thesis develops the 2D local energy feature detector based on a new, unified definition of 2D image features that marks points of locally maximum 2D order in the phase domain representation of the image as 2D image features. The performance of an implementation of 2D local energy is assessed, and compared to several existing methods of 2D feature detection. This thesis also shows that in contrast to most other methods of 2D feature detection, 2D local energy is an idempotent operator. The extension of phase congruency to 2D image features also unifies the detection of image features. 1D and 2D image features correspond to 1D and 2D order in the phase domain respresentation of the image respectively. This definition imposes a hierarchy of image features, with 2D image features being a subset of 1D image features. This ordering of image features has been implied ever since 1D features were used as candidate points for 2D feature detection by Kitchen [28] and others. Local energy enables the extraction of both 1D and 2D image features in a consistent manner; 2D image features are extracted from the 1D image features using the same operations that are used to extract 1D image features from the input image. The consistent approach to the detection of image features presented in this thesis allows the hierarchy of primitive image features to be naturally extended to higher order image features. These higher order image features can then also be extracted from higher order image data using the same hierarchical approach. This thesis shows how local energy can be naturally extended to the detection of 1D (surface) and higher order image features in 3D data sets. Results are presented for the detection of 1D image features in 3D confocal microscope images, showing superior performance to the 3D extension of the Sobel operator [74].
Date January 1996
CreatorsRobbins, Benjamin John
PublisherUniversity of Western Australia. Dept. of Computer Science
Source SetsAustraliasian Digital Theses Program
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright Benjamin John Robbins,

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