As the focus of this research- ie. an examination of the internal and external vulnerabilities of the international tourism industry - is both exploratory and multi-disciplinary, a broad range of generic and industry-specific sources have been consulted. Accordingly, depending on their direct or peripheral relevance to the research topic, some areas have been researched more comprehensively than others. In addition, some issues have richer research bases than others. As examples, the literature on strategic management theory is quite comprehensive, but it is not the central focus of the topic, whereas the structure of the tourism industry is crucial to an analysis of its vulnerability but literature on this issue is sparse and fragmented. Notwithstanding these limitations this literature review attempts to encompass all relevant research areas in a logical manner, proceeding from a cursory examination of the economic and social significance of the tourism industry, its research and definitional issues; through a considerably more comprehensive analysis of its complex inter- and intra- sectoral structures and relationships with its multiple business environments; towards an exploration of the application of vulnerability/sustainability and strategic/crisis management theories. Specifically, the review is divided into the following sections: the nature of the tourism industry; the business environments for tourism; vulnerability and sustainability, strategic and crisis management. The structure parallels the framework used in the accompanying rationale. All sections analyse the major issues of the relevant literature and discuss them in relation to the vulnerability and sustainability of the international tourism industry. The review concludes with an overall summary of the significant themes and dilemmas. / Doctor of Business Administration
Identifer | |
Date | January 2000 |
Creators | Nankervis, Alan R., University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Faculty of Business |
Source Sets | Australiasian Digital Theses Program |
Language | English |
Detected Language | English |
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