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Ti:sapphire fabrication via high energy ion implantation

A Ti:sapphire waveguide laser is attractive as it would provide a compact, stable, broadly tunable (660-1180 nm) and versatile radiation source ideal for remote sensing or spectroscopy. This thesis reports the applicability of ion implantation to the fabrication of the Ti:sapphire waveguide laser in c-axis oriented Al2O3. These results comprise the first realisation of the Ti:Al2O3 material by ion implantation. The substrate quality was optimised for the synthesis conditions and co-implantation was explored though a comparative study of Cr/O. The formation of waveguides via direct and indirect approaches was then pursued with limited success.
CreatorsMorpeth, Leigh David
Source SetsAustraliasian Digital Theses Program
Detected LanguageEnglish
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