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Studies in integrable quantum lattice models and classical hierarchies

The following work is an exploration into certain topics in the broad world of integrable models, both classical and quantum, and consists of two main parts of roughly equal length. The first part, consisting of chapters 1-3, concerns itself mainly with correlations between results in classical hierarchies and quantum lattice models. The second part, consisting of chapters 4-6, deals almost entirely with deriving results concerned with quantum lattice models.
Date January 2009
CreatorsZuparic, Matthew Luke
Source SetsAustraliasian Digital Theses Program
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsTerms and Conditions: Copyright in works deposited in the University of Melbourne Eprints Repository (UMER) is retained by the copyright owner. The work may not be altered without permission from the copyright owner. Readers may only, download, print, and save electronic copies of whole works for their own personal non-commercial use. Any use that exceeds these limits requires permission from the copyright owner. Attribution is essential when quoting or paraphrasing from these works., Open Access

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