An Improved Fission Product Pressure Model for Use in the Venus-II Disassembly Code

The world's growing need for safe, reliable, and long-term energy sources has intensified the research being conducted in the development of nuclear power. The operation of power reactors is contingent upon the continued availability of the fissile material required to maintain a critic a l reactor. The only naturally occuring fissile material is an isotope of uranium, U-235, which only accounts for 0.76 percent of the uranium that is mined. Due to the relative scarcity of this important fissile material it is estimated the United States' sources of economically recoverable fissile material will be delinquished with in about twenty-five years.^1
Date01 April 1976
CreatorsJensen, Ray Leland
PublisherBYU ScholarsArchive
Source SetsBrigham Young University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceTheses and Dissertations

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