國家與土地改革-戰後初期台海兩岸比較分析 / States and Land Reforms: The Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and Mainland China In the Postwar Years

本論文研究架構,共分導論、本論和結論三部分。導論係對於研究緣起、途徑、方法、假設和內容進行說明。本論共分五章,第一章係分別對國家、國家自主性、國家能力以及土地改革之基本名詞,進行概念界定和彼此關係的初步探討;第二章是描述兩岸土改前的國家與農村社會關係,並對比土改前夕的農地分配狀況和租佃關係;第三章即說明兩岸土改過程中,國家在面對內、外部歷史結構制約下,國家展現出的基本偏好、內部互動關係和自主性行動,分析和比較國家自主性與土改的關係;第四章在解釋兩岸土改過程中,國家具體的政策執行能力,並以國家建立過程、達成一致性決策、穩定財政、強化汲取資源、鎮壓與滲透民間社會的各種能力為觀察變數,探討和比較國家能力與土改的關係;第五章則說明和比較國家與土改的直接、間接產出,直接產出包括土改後鄉村階級結構轉變、農業增產效果兩方面,間接產出涉及土改後國家對農村社會的滲透、對農業資源的汲取、原始資本積累與支援工業發展三面向。結論係總結上述研究成果,並檢證研究假設。 / In the Ph.D. dissertation, I will use the approach of Neo-Statism theory andhistorical comparative analytic method to discuss the relations between states and land reforms of Taiwan and Mainland China In the Postwar Years.
With the purpose, the analysis framework of this dissertation includesintroduction, the major contents and conclusion.The main contents are divided into five parts.In Chapter 1 , I will start withan introduction of the state, state autonomy, state capacity, and land reformby describing conceptual definition and their relations.In Chapter 2, I will review and analyze the relations of states and peasantry communities before the land reforms are implemented. I will also compare their status of land distribution and land tenure. In Chapter3, I will describe how the ststes ofTaiwan and Mainland China express their preference and perform their autonomicactions in the wider historical context. Next , in the Chapter 4, I will introduce both of the land reforms of Taiwan and Mainland China by focusing on the process of state-building , institutional settings, and policy alternatives. The research shows that the state's major capabilities of land reform are to maintain financial stability, exploit rural resources, and force and penetrate civil society. The impact of Taiwan and Mainland China land reforms has been significant, both in terms of "direct" and "indirect" influence.In Chapter 5 , I will give a detailed examination of direct and indirectoutcomes and impact of states and land reforms. The direct impact includesthe change of class structures and the increases of agricultural outputs. The indirect impact includes states' penetration to the village community, theextraction of agricultural resources, and the original capital accumulation forthe support of the industrial development.
The last section of this dissertation is to test research hypotheses. Afterthat, I will give a brief summary and policy recommendations.

Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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