
本研究以國內一家涉足各產業之集團事業為研究對象,其為國內少數廣泛推行平衡計分卡且已進入執行與初步回饋階段之公司,因此,本研究調查個案集團員工對於推行平衡計分卡後對組織內部及其個人影響之認知,以及觀察與分析集團下某公司導入前後關鍵績效指標之變化,以瞭解推行平衡計分卡前後之績效是否有改變,藉以補充國內對平衡計分卡實施效益之相關研究,並且為其他企業之導入平衡計分卡,提供參考與評估之依據。 / The concept of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been widely adopted by business organizations because it provides a lot of benefit. Since previous researches on Balanced Scorecard haven’t added much to our knowledge of the perceived benefit and the effectiveness of organizational performance. This research conducts a case study under a conglomerate implementing Balanced Scorecard and attempts to contribute to the body knowledge in the area by investigating the effect of Balanced scorecard on organization and employees. It also seeks to provide empirical evidence about the effect of Balanced Scorecard on one of the strategy business units (SBU) performance. The results of this research may be considered by the companies adopting or preparing adopting Balanced Scorecard.

Creators吳佩霙, Wu, Pei-Ying
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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