青少年收容人圖書資訊利用與讀書會參與之研究 / Library and information use of juvenile inmates




最後提出下列的建議。對監所圖書館來說:一、機關首長重視圖書資訊利用,增設一位專職圖書館員,並讓圖書館的設置常態化;二、制定館藏發展政策,以求館藏均衡發展;三、重新訂定圖書館利用方法;四、加強與公共圖書館的合作。對收容人讀書會來說:一、尋求外界讀書會的支持;二、維持讀書會參與者之穩定性;三、定期評鑑讀書會的成效;四、提供一個收容人發表心得的園地;五、推動資訊相關科技。除此之外,對國內資訊相關科系來說,若能開設特殊圖書館相關的課程,對於社會上弱勢族群的圖書資訊利用也將會有所幫助。 / Adolescence is a very crucial phase of life. However, adolescents might be sent to correctional institutions for making mistakes that resulted from conceptual deviation. But, juvenile inmates are still on the stage of education, so there is a great room for them to grow in the future. Therefore, the importance of education in correctional institutions is manifested. Moreover, the prison library is even more important among the correctional institutions. If the prison library could provide the inmates with cultural and educational service, it could enhance the importance in correctional education.
The purpose of the research is to understand the library and information use in correctional institutions, and the function of the study groups of the juvenile inmates , for planning study groups of the juvenile inmates in the future. First, using the questionnaires to investigate the library and information use of the inmates in Chengjheng high school, and to study whether the function of the information meets their demand. Furthermore, interviewing the leaders of study groups of the juvenile inmates to realize how every leader conducts a study group, and to profoundly discuss the leaders’ opinion and suggestion for study groups.
The findings are as follows: First, as for the inmates, the use of library is not that convenient, so it’s rather inconvenient to get information resources. Second, there is till a great room for the inmates to use the library. Third, the available books need more categories. Fourth, the inmates are not satisfied with the services the library provides. As for the function of the study groups: First, participating in study groups surely has a positive effect on the inmates. Second, leaders also get a positive effect from study groups of the inmates. Third, study groups lack for interaction with libraries. Fourth, the participants of the study group of the inmates vary greatly. Fifth, There are not sufficient funds to form study groups.
Finally, some suggestions are made. As for the prison library: First, the chief of the institution should focus on the library and information use, employ one more full-time librarian, and should normalize the installment of libraries. Second, with a collection development policy to balancing the collection of libraries. Third, the ways of using libraries should be improved. Fourth, the cooperation with public libraries should be enhanced. Then, as for the study groups of the inmates: First, the study groups should search for the support of other outside study groups. Second, the participants of study groups should be fixed. Third, the effects of the study groups should be judged regularly. Fourth, a space for the inmates to express opinions should be provided. Fifth, technology related to information should be promoted. If departments of library and information science in Taiwan could offer new courses on special libraries, they would also be a good help for the disadvantaged minority in society to take advantage of the library and information use.

Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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