電子娛樂器材之創新經營模式-以銀髮族之運動需求為目標市場 / An innovative business model of electronic entertainment kiosk - based on the exercise demand of senior.


本創新從機台、廠商、老人安養機構以及高齡使用者四方面提出不一樣的服務模式,以供廠商以及老人安養機構參考。本創新特別針對老人安養機構的特性及財務狀況提出三種不一樣的經營獲利模式,透過不一樣的營利模式面對不一樣的狀況,讓電子遊戲廠商以及老人安養機構能夠有所交集,創造出一個前所未見的新市場。 / This innovation business model discovers three electronic entertainment kiosks in the market which meet the demands of senior. These products can be used for the rehabilitation of senior, including balance, hand movement, and foot exercise, allowing users be entertained when they engage in their rehabilitation.
This innovation business model explores a different market for electronic entertainment kiosks. The main market for electronic entertainment kiosks is usually junior, but this model discovers a market for senior user, which the nursing agencies are major buyers. In this case, the product function and purpose is redefined, allowing it to target a new market with a different position.
This research proposes a service business model for manufacturers and nursing agencies from four dimensions: electronic entertainment kiosks, manufacturers, nursing agencies and senior users. Also, it points out three profitable methods that will fit the situation of nursing agency characteristics and financial situation. Each method is designed for a different situation, allowing video game makers intersect with nursing agencies, which will create a brand new market.

Creators蔡孟宏, Tsai, Meng Hung
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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