企業導入ERP系統的關鍵成功因素探討—以電線電纜業為例 / Enterprise ERP system to explore the critical success factors - to wire and cable industry as an example

因此電線電纜業者如何將企業內部的資源做最合理、最有效率的配置,進一步提升電線電纜業者本身的競爭力,是現階段電線電纜業者最為重要的課題,而企業資源規劃系統 (ERP),是一套可以讓電線電纜業者本身資源配置最佳化的資訊管理系統,也會是電線電纜業者用來優化企業內部資源整合的系統。多年來,國內外有很多學者、專家、研究人員對於ERP系統建構時的成功因素進行探討與研究,但對於電線電纜產業著墨較少,所以電線電纜業者了解ERP的功能,進一步探討電線電纜業者如何成功導入ERP系統就顯得非常重要。
本研究希望對ERP系統做探討,讓電線電纜業者能清楚地瞭解導入ERP實際帶來的影響,做為日後改進的方向,並提供管理者決策時所需的資訊。本研究的目的除了先彙整一般企業導入ERP系統的成功因素外,還要藉由本研究進一步找出電線電纜產業在導入ERP系統時的關鍵成功因素,最後再將本研究所得到的成果,提供其他電線電纜業者將來導入ERP系統之參考。 / Abstract
Taiwan's enterprises are facing competition from globalization, the ever-unpredictable business environment, competition and the challenges faced in the past more than the harsh, especially the traditional industries of wire and cable industry, the more difficult operational problems encountered. Response to environmental change is accelerating large-scale wire and cable industry, specialization, and even international diversification, the major plant will want the limited resources, breaking the traditional business model to identify, develop new industry landscape.
Therefore, how to wire and cable industry internal resources to do the most reasonable and efficient configuration, wire and cable industry to further enhance their competitiveness, wire and cable industry at this stage the most important issue, and enterprise resource planning system (ERP), is a set of wire and cable industry can make the allocation of resources to optimize their information management systems, wire and cable industry also is used to optimize the internal resource integration system. Over the years, many foreign scholars, experts, researchers constructed for ERP system success factors to explore when and research, but less for wire and cable industry, inking, so wire and cable industry to understand the ERP functions, to further explore how to wire and cable industry successful ERP system is very important.
In this study, a combination of wire and cable industry to solve some problems, resulting in a study of motivation. Moreover, a special wire and cable industry sector, product variety and complicated process, from copper procurement, site management of copper, copper hedge, sales, purchasing, manufacturing to delivery of the various stages of distribution and other operations, interlocking, must depended on a reliable and effective mechanism to assist the system. More and more willing to invest in wire and cable industry ERP, or plan to invest in the next few years, ERP, does not necessarily ensure that the project 100% successful, especially in wire and cable industry team did not import the ERP system and method, without the relevant literature for reference, for wire and cable industry, the choice is very limited and will face the risk of over-concentration difficulties.
This study is to explore the ERP system to do so of wire and cable industry can clearly understand the actual impact of the ERP, as future directions for improvement, and management decision-making required to provide information. The purpose of this study in addition to the first exchange to import the entire general business success factors of ERP systems, but also by this study to further identify the wire and cable industry in the ERP system when the critical success factors, and then the final results obtained in this study provide other wire and cable industry in the future ERP system of reference.

Creators許文堂, Hsu, Wen Tang
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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