兩岸生涯成熟度調查及比較研究—— 以南京大學和政治大學為例 / The Comparison Study on Career Maturity for Both Straits: A Case Study of Students in Nanjing University& National Chengchi University

本研究爬梳整理了歸於生涯成熟度的的相關文獻,借鑑成熟的生涯成熟度量表,并進一步篩選,以此問卷對1404名政治大學和南京大學的學生進行生涯成熟度調查。研究結果發現:1.本次研究的學生樣本總體生涯成熟度處於較為成熟的狀態;2.學生生涯成熟度並不存在學校的差異;3.學生生涯成熟度存在性別的差異,男性的生涯成熟度高於女性;4.學生生涯成熟度存在教育程度的差異,受教育程度越高,生涯成熟度越高;5.學生生涯成熟度存在年級的差異,大學期間,兩者之間存在正相關關係,但大學延畢生的生涯成熟度最低;研究所期間,生涯成熟度隨年級增長而下降;6.學生生涯成熟度不存在文理專業的差異;7.學生生涯成熟度存在在校成績的差異,兩者為正相關關係;8.學生生涯成熟度存在學生幹部的差異,有學生幹部經驗的學生生涯成熟度高於沒有經驗的學生,擔任班級幹部的學生生涯成熟度高於其他類型的學生幹部;9.學生生涯成熟度不存在社團經驗的差異;10.學生生涯成熟度存在工作經驗的差異,有工作經驗的學生生涯成熟度高於沒有經驗的學生。生涯成熟度隨著工作時間的增長呈現「S」型增長;11.學生生涯成熟度不存在獨生子女的差異;12.學生生涯成熟度存在家庭經濟狀況的差異,家庭經濟較差的學生生涯成熟度最高;13.學生生涯成熟度不存在母親教育程度的差異,存在父親教育程度的差異,父母教育程度越低,生涯成熟度越高;14.學生生涯成熟度不存在學生生源的差異。 / In recent years, the youth employment is becoming more and more serious. Apart from the objective reasons, students’ inadequate employment competitiveness and consciousness also account for the status quo. Career maturity is the level of preparedness, an individual reaches when dealing with his/ herage- appropriate career development tasks. So, career maturity is an effective measurement to test individual’s career developmentlevel and provides the theoretical basis for practical study. Now, more and more people start to research the career maturity, but the research specifically aimed at the comparison of Chinese Mainland and Taiwan is rare. Therefore, the study is inevitably.
Based on related literature review on career maturity, referring to the Career Maturity Questionnaire, the study discusses the career maturity and its affecting factors of students of Nanjing University and National Chengchi University. The results are as following: 1. Students’career maturity are not high;2. Campus, major, club experience and the sources of students bear little influence on career maturity;3. There is significant difference in gender;4. There is significant relation between students’ career maturity and their education degree;5. The career maturity differences in grades;6. The career maturity is in positive relation to academic score;7. The students who have the student leader and work experience get higher career maturity than others;8. The fact of being the only child or not does not relate to career maturity significantly;9. Family economic background impacts students’ career maturity;10. Parents’ education level has negative correlation with career maturity.

Creators常青, Chang, Qing
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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