領導者才能對決策品質、團隊競爭力、與績效之影響-以Sternberg之WICS模式為例 / The effect of leaders’ skills on the quality of leaders’ decisions, team competitiveness and performance – Sternberg’s WICS model



此外,本研究根據結構方程模式驗證本研究之假設,綜合結果顯示:1. 領導者智慧、實用智力、分析智力及創新能力對於領導者決策品質具有顯著且正向之影響;2. 領導者決策品質對於團隊競爭力具有顯著且正向之影響;3. 團隊競爭力對於團隊績效具有顯著且正向之影響;4. 「領導者才能之競爭力模式」獲得實證支持。最後,研究者根據本研究結果,提出對未來學術研究與實務應用具體之建議。 / Leaders’ decisions have a great impact on organizations; they influence not only the revenue but also the survival of organizations. In this fast-changing environment, leaders always need to make fast and correct decisions under time pressure. Therefore, the focus of this study is the effect of leaders’ skills on the quality of leaders’ decisions so as to improve the competitiveness and performance of teams or organizations. The present study starts from WICS model which developed by Sternberg to examine the effect of leaders’ wisdom, practical intelligence, analytic intelligence, and creativity on the quality of leaders’ decisions, team competitiveness and performance, and to construct the competitiveness model of leaders’ skills. The development of competitiveness model of leaders’ skills could not only be used by following related studies, but also assist organizations and leaders to review leadership efficacy in order to improve the competitiveness and performance.

The present study constructed the questionnaire through an expert committee, tests of reliability, validity, and factor analysis. The samples of team unit were collected using purposive sampling, and each unit included one leader and five immediate subordinates. A total of forty valid sample units which had forty leaders and two hundred immediate subordinates were collected. Through the statistical analysis, it shows the internal consistency reliability (.752-.972) and criterion-related validity (.280-.820) of all scales (leaders’ self-rating and subordinates’ other-rating) were excellent.

Furthermore, according to the result of hypothesis testing and Structural Equation Modeling analysis, it shows: 1. Leaders’ wisdom, empirical intelligence, analytic intelligence, and creativity have a significant and positive influence on the quality of leaders’ decisions; 2. The quality of leaders’ decisions has a significant and positive influence on team competitiveness; 3. Team competitiveness has a significant and positive influence on team performance; 4. The constructed competitiveness model of leaders’ skills was supported. Finally, suggestions were proposed for further academic studies and practical application based on the result of the present study.

Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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