Sedulius sive Ilarleh. Zu den Beinamen in der frühmittelalterlichen Gedenküberlieferung: Sedulius sive Ilarleh.Zu den Beinamen in der frühmittelalterlichen Gedenküberlieferung

Sedulius sive Ilarleh. Bynames (cognomina) in the early medieval memorial tradition. – More than 2.000 personal names occurring in the libri vitae of Reichenau (D), St. Gall (CH) and Brescia (I) and also in the early documents of St. Gall are listed in this essay. These names are cognomina because of the significant appellative meaning in Old and Middle High German times. They are divided in 10 groups: (1.) ethnic bynames (type: Hesso, Latinus), (2.) bynames given at birth (type: Willicomo, Gotedanc) (3.) bynames designating relationship (type: Fater, Muatir), (4.) bynames from animals (type: Fisc, Swein), (5.) bynames from plants (type: Palma, Pluoma), (6.) bynames from professions (type: Choufman, Chnehto), (7.) religious bynames (type: Kotechind, Seraphim), (8.) bynames based on physical attributes (type: Barbatus, Panzleip), (9.) bynames indicating intellectual qualities (type: Chusc, Heitar), (10.) negative bynames (type: Unarg, Untol). These appellations widen the vocabulary of Old High German.
Date January 2014
CreatorsGeuenich, Dieter
ContributorsUniversität Leipzig
PublisherDeutsche Gesellschaft für Namenforschung (GfN)
Source SetsHochschulschriftenserver (HSSS) der SLUB Dresden
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typedoc-type:article, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, doc-type:Text
SourceNamenkundliche Informationen; 103/104(2014), S. 205-243
Relationurn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-179533, qucosa:13539

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