UN-Friedenssicherung in Subsahara-Afrika: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen multilateraler Konfliktbearbeitung in regionalisierten Bürgerkriegen ; eine Untersuchung im Rahmen des Global Governance-Ansatzes <br>UN Peace Operations in Sub-Saharan Africa : Possibilities and Limits of Multilateral Conflict Management in Regionalized Civil Wars ; an Analysis within the Framework of the Global Governance Approach

Can UN conflict management be effective in African civil wars? In order to answer this question, the study chooses the Global Governance approach as a frame of reference and applies it to peace and conflict research. A short historical excursion considers the role of the United Nations in the Congo conflict (1960-1964) and in southern Africa. Five case studies form the empirical core of the thesis: Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, Somalia and Rwanda. The thesis compares the experiences of the 1990's and discusses current proposals on the reform of UN peace operations (e.g. the Brahimi Report).

Date28 November 2002
CreatorsDebiel, Tobias
ContributorsProf. Dr. Franz Nuscheler, Prof. Dr. Peter Meyns
PublisherGerhard-Mercator-Universitaet Duisburg
Source SetsDissertations and other Documents of the Gerhard-Mercator-University Duisburg
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formattext/html, application/pdf
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