Cycloadditionen von zwei mäßig elektronenarmen alpha-heteroatom-substituierten Propensäurederivaten - Cycloaddition reactions of two moderately electron deficient alpha-heteroatom-substituted propenoic acid derivatives

Two moderate electron-deficient propenoic acid derivatives have been investigated, with special emphasis on their reaction behaviour in cycloaddition reactions and comparison as to their capto-dative nature. In all reactions it was observed that the dehydroamino acid derivative resembles more an acrylic acid derivative than a capto-dative olefin. In reactions with various nitrones only 5,5'-disubstituted isoxazolidines were observed as products.
Date15 January 2002
CreatorsHens, Marc-Anton
ContributorsProf. Dr. D. Döpp - Main examiner, Prof. Dr. M. Tausch - Co-examiner
PublisherGerhard-Mercator-Universitaet Duisburg
Source SetsDissertations and other Documents of the Gerhard-Mercator-University Duisburg
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formattext/html, application/pdf
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