Near-Optimality of Distributed Network Management with a Machine Learning Approach

An analytical framework is developed for distributed management of large networks where each node makes locally its decisions. Two issues remain open. One is whether a distributed algorithm would result in a near-optimal management. The other is the complexity, i.e., whether a distributed algorithm would scale gracefully with a network size. We study these issues through modeling, approximation, and randomized distributed algorithms. For near-optimality issue, we first derive a global probabilistic model of network management variables which characterizes the complex spatial dependence of the variables. The
spatial dependence results from externally imposed management constraints and internal properties of communication environments. We then apply probabilistic graphical models in machine learning to show when and whether the global model can be approximated by a local model. This study results in a sufficient condition for distributed management to be nearly optimal. We then show how to obtain a near-optimal configuration through decentralized adaptation of local configurations.
We next derive a near-optimal distributed inference algorithm based on the derived local model. We characterize the trade-off between near-optimality and complexity of distributed and statistical management. We validate our formulation and theory through simulations.
Date09 July 2007
CreatorsJeon, Sung-eok
PublisherGeorgia Institute of Technology
Source SetsGeorgia Tech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Archive
Detected LanguageEnglish

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