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Emo??o e penalidade: mulheres no Complexo Penal Dr. Jo?o Chaves

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Previous issue date: 2015-03-02 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O presente trabalho foi realizado a partir de uma pesquisa de campo na ala feminina do Complexo Penal Dr. Jo?o Chaves. Foram entrevistadas internas e agentes penitenci?rias. Pretende, em termos gerais, compreender a influ?ncia das emo??es em um determinado espa?o de tempo das hist?rias de vida de nossas interlocutoras que compreende desde a entrada no mundo do crime ao cotidiano dentro da pris?o. O texto est? estruturado em tr?s partes. A primeira recupera o debate (em termos hist?ricos e sociais) sobre a rela??o entre mulheres e sistema prisional, a n?vel nacional e posteriormente local. As partes dois e tr?s foram escritas com o intuito de responder ?s duas quest?es centrais que orientaram este trabalho: qual a influ?ncia das emo??es entre as percep??es de crime e justi?a? E qual o seu papel nas rela??es de poder e afeto no cotidiano prisional? A segunda parte examina o processo de inser??o dos internos em uma institui??o total. Aqui analiso as formas e motiva??es que levaram as mulheres ao crime e ? pris?o. No contexto, trato dos sentimentos de amor, humilha??o e indigna??o atrav?s de dois exemplos distintos, o primeiro a partir da ideia de insulto moral, e o segundo a partir do termo ?amor bandido?. Na terceira parte disserto sobre as regras de conviv?ncia que tanto as agentes como as internas t?m que aprender para viver cotidianamente umas com as outras. Em um primeiro momento, trato do processo de internaliza??o das regras e como elas funcionam na pr?tica, abordando o papel de quem exerce a coer??o normativa e tamb?m de quem est? sujeita a ela. Posteriormente, mostro como se d?o as rela??es homossexuais dentro do pres?dio mesmo sua pr?tica sendo desencorajada e sucet?vel a puni??o. No ?ltimo cap?tulo examino algumas formas de controle praticadas no estabelecimento, pensando seus met?dos e objetivos. Por ?ltimo, apresento algumas considera??es finais versando sobre os temas abordados no presente trabalho e as respostas encontradas atrav?s da investiga??o antropol?gica. / The current work was made from a field research at Dr. Jo?o Chaves Penal Complex female ward. Female inmates and prison guards were interviewed. This work has the objective of comprehend the influence of emotions in a specified period in the interviewed life stories, from the beginning of their life crimes to their everyday life in the prison. The manuscript is structured in three parts. The first brings up the debate (in historical and social terms) about the relation between woman and the prison system, in a national and local scale. The second and the third part were written with the intention to scrutinize the two central questions that guided this work: 1) what are the influences of emotions in a crime and justice perception? 2) What is the role of the affection and power relation in a prison everyday life? The second part examined the insertion process of the inmates in a total institution. Herein, I analyze the forms and motivations that led the woman to crime and prison. In the context, I address the love feelings, humiliation and indignation through two distinct examples, the former from the idea of insulto moral (moral insult) and the latter from the term amor bandido (prison love). The third part of this work discusses the relationship rules among the female inmates and prison guards. At a first instance, I debate the internalization process of the rules and its practice, approaching the role of who does the normative coercion and who is subjected to it. Afterwards, I present how the homosexual relationship occurs inside a prison, even this practice being disencouraged and susceptible to punishment. In the last chapter, I study some forms of control practiced at the establishment, analyzing the methods and objectives. At last, I present some final consideration discussing over themes approached in the current manuscript and the answers found through anthropological investigation.
Date02 March 2015
CreatorsSantos, Leonardo Alves dos
Contributors82423539134,, Vieira, Jos? Glebson, 00091275423,, Oliveira, Lu?s Roberto Cardoso de, 11696877172,, Neves, Rita de C?ssia Maria, 44058659491,, Melo, Juliana Gon?alves
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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