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Previous issue date: 2013-08-15 / This study aimed to investigate the possible relationship between social support and quality of life in oldest-old subjects with 90 or more years of age living in Porto Alegre. Methods: The design is an exploratory transversal, observational and analytical research. The sample com-prised 60 respondents 90 years or older of both sexes interviewed during the period of No-vember 2011 to January 2012. The project was approved by the Research Ethics PUCRS un-der number 11/05451. The information of the data were obtained through structured inter-views, consisting of open and closed questions, involving six validated instruments of re-search: 1. General socio-demographic data; 2. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE); 3.WHOQOL-OLD 4. Social Support Survey; 5. Yesavage Geriatric Depression - short ver-sion (GDS-15 ); 6. Basic Activities of Daily Living (BADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL). The questionnaires were developed by the program TeleForm allowing the insertion of electronic data for analysis using the program EPI INFO version 3.5.1, con-sidering significant differences with p <0.05 and indicative of significance p> 0.05 and <0.1 . Results: The average income was higher in the oldest-old men than women. Although the results reveal considerable cognitive impairment in the survey, oldest-old men presented bet-ter levels of MMSE and GDS-15 than the women at same age. The mean IADL and ADL were also better in men than in women. The average number of contacts proved to be higher in females than in males. In relation to the various types of social support, the study shows that women need more material support than men. On the other hand, men needed more affec-tive, emotional, and information supports and positive interactions than women. The averages of all WHOQOL domains (Physical, Psychological, Social Relationships and Environment) and the overall level of quality of life, were higher among men than among women-lived, but the differences were not significant. There was a significant relationship between the various domains of the WHOQOL and the different types of social support. Conclusions: The men, though outnumbered, have better social support and quality of life that the long-lived. The results clearly show that all types of social support, although to a lesser extent the material support, influenced positively on the quality of life for the oldest old. / Este trabalho objetivou estudar a poss?vel rela??o entre suporte social e qualidade de vida em longevos com 90 ou mais anos de idade residentes em Porto Alegre. M?todos: O dese-nho foi definido como sendo transversal explorat?rio, observacional e anal?tico. A amostra contou com 60 longevos entrevistados de 90 anos ou mais de ambos os sexos no per?odo de novembro de 2011 a Janeiro de 2012. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comit? de ?tica em Pesquisa da PUCRS sob n?mero 11/05451. As informa??es dos dados foram obtidos atra-v?s de entrevistas estruturadas, compostas por quest?es abertas e fechadas, envolvendo seis instrumentos validados de pesquisa: 1. Dados Gerais para coleta de dados; 2. Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM); 3.WHOQOL-OLD; 4.Escala de Apoio Social-Social Sup-port Survey of the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS); 5.Escala de Depress?o Geri?trica de Yesavage vers?o reduzida(GDS-15); 6. Atividades B?sicas de Vida Di?ria (ABVD) e Ativi-dades Instrumentais de Vida Di?ria (AIVD). Os question?rios foram elaborados pelo progra-ma TeleForm permitindo a inser??o eletr?nica dos dados para an?lise com a utiliza??o do programa EPIINFO vers?o 3.5.1 sendo considerado significativas as diferen?as com p<0,05 e indicativas de signific?ncia p > 0,05 e <0,1. Resultados: As m?dias da renda foram supe-riores nos idosos do que nas idosas longevas. Apesar dos resultados revelarem perdas cognitivas consider?veis, os homens longevos que participaram da pesquisa apresentaram ?ndices mais positivos do que as mulheres longevas em rela??o ao MEEM e a GDS-15. As m?dias de ABVD e AIVD tamb?m foram melhores nos homens do que nas mulheres. A m?-dia do n?mero de contatos revelou-se ser maior no sexo feminino do que no sexo masculi-no. Em rela??o aos diversos tipos de suporte social, o estudo aponta que as mulheres ne-cessitam mais do apoio material do que os homens. Por outro lado, os homens necessitam mais dos apoios afetivo, emocional, informa??o e de intera??o positiva do que as mulheres. As m?dias de todos os dom?nios do WHOQOL (F?sico, Psicol?gico, Rela??es Sociais e Meio Ambiente) e o n?vel total da Qualidade de Vida, foram maiores entre os homens do que en-tre as mulheres longevas, mas as diferen?as n?o foram significativas. Houve rela??o signifi-cativa entre os diversos dom?nios do WHOQOL e os diferentes tipos de suporte social. Con-clus?es: Os homens, embora em menor n?mero, apresentam um melhor suporte social e qualidade de vida que as longevas. Os resultados mostram claramente que todos os tipos de apoio social, embora em menor grau o suporte material, influenciam de forma positiva na qualidade de vida dos longevos.
Identifer | |
Date | 15 August 2013 |
Creators | Cauduro, Maria Heloisa Fialho |
Contributors | B?s, ?ngelo Jos? Gon?alves |
Publisher | Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Gerontologia Biom?dica, PUCRS, BR, Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia |
Source Sets | IBICT Brazilian ETDs |
Language | Portuguese |
Detected Language | English |
Type | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS |
Rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
Relation | 4438661476953179033, 500, 600, 2296420844541114010 |
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