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Oxidative Stability of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Enriched Eggs

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) enriched eggs are an increasingly important contributor to the egg industry due to the health benefits of n-3 PUFA. During storage and cooking, n-3 PUFA could undergo oxidation and further cause cholesterol oxidation. This study examined stability of n-3 PUFA enriched eggs fortified with antioxidants (vitamin E or organic Selenium [Sel-Plex] or both) following storage and cooking.
Total n-3 PUFA was not affected by cooking and storage, although long chain n-3 PUFA concentration decreased. Overall, both vitamin E and Sel-Plex decreased oxidation of yolk lipids and cholesterol. Cooking increased the lipid and cholesterol oxidation. Four weeks of storage did not affect the cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) content, but increased lipid oxidation. It is possible to make the n-3 PUFA in enriched eggs more stable with dietary antioxidants. / Food Science and Technology
Date11 1900
CreatorsRen, Yuan
ContributorsRenema, Robert (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science), Wu, Jianping (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science), Zuidhof, Martin (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science), Betti, Mirko (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science), Anders, Sven (Rural Economy)
Source SetsLibrary and Archives Canada ETDs Repository / Centre d'archives des thèses électroniques de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format1155854 bytes, application/pdf
RelationStudent, Ren, Yuan (2008), Nutritional and health benefits of eggs. In Handbook of Poult. Sci. and Technology: Volume 1: Primary Processing. Blackwell-Wiley Publishing, New York.

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