Littoral zone primary production in a coastal reservoir ecosystem

There has been little research examining littoral productivity in freshwater ecosystems. Previous
studies have focused on pelagic production, largely because pelagic production was viewed to be
the predominant source of carbon in aquatic ecosystems. More recently there has been some
research to suggest that the productive capacity of littoral zones may be significant, especially in
nutrient-poor ecosystems, where the transfer of carbon through the food chain is driven by
microbial activity at the base of the food web. This may be particularly important in reservoir
ecosystems, as there are concerns that water level fluctuations resulting from reservoir operations
may seriously undermine aquatic function in the littoral zone.
To assess the impacts of fluctuating water levels, a field study was designed to measure primary
productivity in the littoral zones of two coastal temperate hydro-electric reservoirs located in
British Columbia. Both located on the Stave River, Stave Reservoir exhibited a pronounced
annual water level fluctuation, while immediately downstream Hayward Reservoir maintained a
relatively constant water level. Measurements of periphyton biomass were conducted to estimate
primary productivity in the littoral zones of both reservoirs. Three sampling transects were
established in Stave Reservoir and one in Hayward. Periphyton samples were collected by scuba
divers from Plexiglas plates along transect gradients in each reservoir to a depth of 20 m.
Samples were analysed using standard lab techniques to estimate and characterize production
using measurements of Ash Free Dry Mass (accrual) and chlorophyll-a concentrations to
quantify biomass, and species composition to quantify abundance, biovolume and dominance of
the algal communities.
Primary productivity was estimated by integrating periphyton biomass accrual measurements
over depth for each sampling period. Three year average production in Stave was 5.3
gC/m2/year and in Hayward was 12.3 gC/m2/year. Differences in production between the Stave
and Hayward reservoirs were evaluated statistically using a two-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to look for a lake effect and a seasonal effect. The results from the ANOVA found
production in Hayward Reservoir to be significantly higher than Stave Reservoir (p = 0.05). A
seasonal analysis indicated winter production was significantly lower than all other seasons in both reservoirs. Measurements of light, temperature, nutrients and water level were used to
interpret spatial and temporal variability in periphyton production.
Littoral and pelagic productivity measurements were used to estimate total aquatic production in
Stave and Hayward reservoirs. Analysis results indicate that the littoral contribution to total
aquatic production in the fluctuating reservoir environment (Stave) was only 4%, which is lower
but still comparable to other oligotrophic temperate lakes. In Hayward (stable water-level
environment) the littoral contribution was approximately 50% of overall aquatic production.
Reseach findings comparing Stave and Hayward suggest that littoral production is negatively
impacted by reservoir operations but the importance of this is questionable when the littoral
contribution is so low. Primary productivity in a large, power generating reservoir like Stave,
appears to be pelagically driven. Nutrients dynamics tend towards recycling but are compliated
by flow in the old river channel in the lower basin. Although it is a managed system, the
contribution of littoral production was approximately 5%, which is comparable to other
oligotrophic BC lakes. Littoral primary production in Hayward was high compared to
oligotrophic temperate lakes. This is likely a function of the fast flushing, riverine character of
this reservoir. This study did not examine other factors such as light, temperature and nutrient
regimes in sufficient detail to directly compare these factors between the two systems. A clear
indication of the effect of water level fluctuations on littoral zone productivity is complicated in
this case by the fact that the two reservoirs studied exhibited significant differences in character
which may also have accounted for differences in littoral zone productivity.
Date05 1900
CreatorsBeer, Julie Ann
Source SetsLibrary and Archives Canada ETDs Repository / Centre d'archives des thèses électroniques de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation
RelationUBC Retrospective Theses Digitization Project []

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